clusterSSH - R package

This package enables the execution of R code on a cluster in parallel. A function amenable to parallelization using this package must take one list as argument and return a list of the same length as the input list. The i-th element in the returned list must represent the output obtained by processing the i-th element of the input list.


Communication with the cluster is done via the OpenSSH client available under Mac and Linux. If SSH authentification via a password is desired, the command line utility sshpass needs also to be installed. R specific prerequisites are discussed in the next section.


This package depends on the packages interactiveSSH, rsyncFacility, and remoteFunctionSSH

You can use the following instructions in a terminal to install all the packages at once. Packages already installed can be skipped.

git clone
R CMD INSTALL interactiveSSH

git clone
R CMD INSTALL rsyncFacility

git clone
R CMD INSTALL remoteFunctionSSH

git clone

Basic usage

Different setups of computer clusters are possible. For this example, we assume that:

Several ways to coordinate the nodes are in principle possible but in this example clusterSSH will use the SSH connection to the login node to create files on the shared filesystem to communicate with the worker nodes. Controller scripts on the workers nodes detect newly created files and take actions accordingly, such as starting a calculation.

In order to make communication work, a working directory, say tempdir.loc, has to be chosen on the local machine and another one, say tempdir.rem has to be selected on the shared filesystem accessible by the login node. These directories should be created before proceeding further.

The following R code executed locally establishes the connection to the login node:


remFunHnd <- initSSH("username@server", "password", 
                     tempdir.loc="tempdir.loc", tempdir.rem="tempdir.rem")
clusterHnd <- initCluster(functions_multinode, remFunHnd)

The first instruction after loading the libraries sets up the functionality to transfer and execute R functions on the login node from the local R session. It creates an object remFunHnd which enables access to that functionality. The instruction afterwards creates R functions on the login node to handle calculations on the cluster and returns a list clusterHnd containing functions to prepare calculations and retrieve their results. The first argument functions_multinode provides the specific functions needed to manage a cluster with the features described above.

In the outlined cluster setup, the user needs to manually launch a controller script on each of the worker nodes. This script can be copied to the login node in the following way:

startNodeController <- remFunHnd$createRemoteFunction(
cmdstr <- startNodeController(clusterHnd)

This code chunk prints the command that needs to be executed on the worker nodes in order to install the controllers.

Now everything is set up to apply a function to an input list in parallel. Let's create a simple function that takes the numbers in the input list and adds one to them:

parFun <- function(input) {
    lapply(input, function(x) x+1)

This function can be applied to some input list:

input <- list(1,10,20)
clusterHnd$eval(parFun, input, pollTime=5) 

gschnabel/clusterSSH documentation built on Aug. 29, 2020, 7:01 p.m.