eutil: eutil

Description Details Class hierarchy for eutil Generics with methods for eutil Slots


“eutil” is an S4 class that is extended by the einfo, esearch, esummary, efetch, elink, epost, and egquery classes.


These classes provide containers for the data returned from calls to the NCBI Entrez Utilities. Detailed information about the EUtilities provided by NCBI is available here.

Class hierarchy for eutil

Sub classes:

Generics with methods for eutil

* = methods only defined for subclasses



A character vector containing the query URL.


Any error or warning messages parsed from the output of the call submitted to Entrez.


A character vector holding the unparsed contents of a request to Entrez.

gschofl/rentrez documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:53 a.m.