eutil-class: Class '"eutil"': Reference classes that hold the response...

Description Fields Methods Extends See Also Examples


The reference classes eutil, einfo, esearch, esummary, efetch, elink, epost, egquery, espell, and ecitmatch implement the request generator for interaction with the NCBI services. They should not be used direcly, but initialized through the respective constructor functions einfo, esearch, esummary, efetch, elink, epost, egquery, espell, and ecitmatch.



A named list of query parameters.


A eutil_error object.


Result of an Entrez request stored as a character vector.


get_content(as = "text", ...)

Return the results of an Entrez query as text, xml, json, a textConnection, or parsed to a list or data.frame; should not be used directly, use content instead.


Return eutil_errors; should not be used directly, use getError instead.


Return the URL used for an Entrez query; should not be used directly, use getUrl instead.

perform_query(method = "GET", ...)

Perform an Entrez query using either http GET or POST requests; should not be used directly.

xmlAttr(xpath, name, as = "character", default = NA_character_)

Extract the value of XML attributes given a valid XPath expression and an attribute name

xmlName(xpath, as = "character", default = NA_character_)

Extract the tag names of XML nodes given a valid XPath expression.

xmlSet(xpath, ...)

Extract a set of XML nodes given a valid XPath expression.

xmlValue(xpath, as = "character", default = NA_character_)

Extract the text value of XML leaf nodes given a valid XPath expression.


All reference classes extend and inherit methods from "envRefClass". Furthermore, "einfo", "esearch", "esummary", "efetch", "elink", "epost", "egquery", "espell", and "ecitmatch" all extend the "eutil" class.

See Also

eutil, einfo, esearch, esummary, efetch, elink, epost, egquery, espell, and ecitmatch.



gschofl/reutils documentation built on Oct. 9, 2020, 9:42 p.m.