Man pages for gschofl/rmisc
A collection conveniance functions.

are_falseWhich elements in a list are FALSE?
are_nullWhich elements in a list are NULL?
are_trueWhich elements in a list are TRUE?
blanksCreate blank strings with a given number of characters
CallCall a function with arguments provided individually
compactFilter 'NULL' entries from a list.
compactAllFilter empty entries from a list.
compactCharFilter empty string entries from a list.
compactNAFilter NA entries from a list.
ComposeCompose functions
count_reCount how often a pattern occurs in a character vector.
db_bulk_insertBulk insert a data.frame into a db table
db_connectConnect to an existing SQLite database.
db_countCount rows in a db table
db_createCreate an SQLite database.
db_disconnectDisconnect from an SQLite database.
db_infoMetadata for an SQLite database.
db_queryQuery an SQLite database.
Delay_byDelay function call
Dot_everyPrint a dot ever nth function call
dupDuplicate a character string n times
exists_reCheck if a pattern occurs in a character vector
Fail_withFail with a default value
file_compareCompare local and remote file timestamp and/or size
FMapFast Map
has_commandTest if an external executable is available
has_tablesCheck if a SQLite database has specified tables
install_packagesPackage installer
is.emptyIs an object empty?
is.installedIs an R Packages installed?
is.scalarIs an object of length one?
linebreakFormat paragraphs
load.allLoad saved datasets
Log_toLog a time stamp and a message to file everytime a function...
make_flattenerGenerate a list flattener
MatchPerform a global regular expression match
MaybeMaybe call a function
new_cacheRegister a caching environment
new_projCreate a new ProjectTemplate project and open RStudio in it.
niReverse Value Matching
nuniqueNumber of unique elements in a vector.
padPad a string
PartialPartial function application.
plotInheritancePlot the class inheritance graph
purgeNAPurge rows containing NAs from a data frame
replace_extReplace file extensions
require.allRequire one or more packages
rprojOpen an RStudio project from R
SequenceCompose functions
split_pathSplit a file path and return the nth piece(s)
strip_extStrip file extensions
strmatchExtract matched group(s) from a string.
strsplitNSplit up a string in pieces and return the nth piece.
SysCallWrapper for system commands
trimTrim elements
update_githubA quick installer for my R packages on GitHub
update_packagesPackage updater
usplitunlist(strsplit(x, split, ...))
withExecute code in an temporarily different environment.
wrapWrap elements
gschofl/rmisc documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:54 a.m.