Man pages for gsimchoni/CastleOfR
Castle of R

endGameEnd the Castle of R game
hintGive the player a hint for the current question.
initializeGameInitialize the Castle of R game environment
lockDoorLock door to another room
openDoorOpen door to another room
reactReact to player's actions during the Castle of R game
RoomR6 classes for the Castle of R game
seeMapLook at a map
seePasswordLook at the password
solutionGive the player the solution for the current question.
startGameStart the Castle of R game
takeObjectTake an object in a room
timeLeftView the time left in a room until Lady R is coming
whatDoIHaveSummarise a player's resources
whatWasTheQuestionRemind a player of the current question
wtfDebrief a player of his overall whereabouts
gsimchoni/CastleOfR documentation built on May 22, 2019, 12:23 p.m.