Man pages for gsimchoni/yrbss
An easy R interface to the American CDC Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)

checkLocationValidityCheck the validity of a location
checkVariableValidityCheck the validity of a variable name
checkYearValidityCheck the validity of a year
getListOfParticipatingStatesYRBSS Data - Binary Version - List of Participating States
getProportionSingleVariableGet a Single Variable "Yes" Proportion
yrbss_data_binaryYRBSS Data - Binary Version - National Data
yrbss_questions_binaryYRBSS Data - Binary Version - List of Questions
yrbss_states_data_binaryYRBSS Data - Binary Version - States Data
gsimchoni/yrbss documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:05 a.m.