Man pages for gsk3/taRifx
Collection of utility and convenience functions. the results of by() to a data.frame.
as.matrix.byCoerces a by object into a matrix (only tested on a 2d...
autoplot.microbenchmarkAutoplot method for microbenchmark objects: Prettier graphs...
betweenClassify values into groups based on which numbers they're...
bytableProduces a nice summary table by groupings
categorizeCategorize a vector based on a data.frame with two columns,...
compareplotBar plot divided by three groupings
daysofweekReturn a vector of the days of the week, in order
destringConvert character vector to numeric, ignoring irrelevant...
distinctReturns number of distinct observations in each column of a...
evensShortcut functions to return the odd and even values from a...
expandDFFunctions to manipulate data frames
fpartObtain the fractional part of a numeric
hist_horizKludgy horizontal histogram function (really should just fix...
homogenousReturns whether a vector is homogenous or not
japplyjapply: Judiciously sapply to only selected columns
lastConvenience functions to return the last/first element of a...
latex.table.byExports a latex table with the first N columns being multirow...
merge.listMethod to merge two lists Matches names of each list element...
middle.groupReturn a vector containing the locations of the middle of...
munchRecursively delete entries containing 'what' before entry...
panelfxnsVarious panel functions
readdirLoads all readable files in a directory into a list, with...
remove.factorsConverts all factors in a data.frame to character.
rep_alongRepeat a vector until it matches the length of another vector
reshapeasyreshapeasy: Easier reshaping from "wide" to "long" and back...
roundingRounds a numeric vector to arbitrary values (not just decimal...
searchPatternCreate a vector that starts with a given number and widens...
shiftShifts a vector's elements left or right by N elements. a data.frame
splitcSplit data over columns
stack.listStack lists of data.frames a title page containing the given text. Good for...
truesReturn vector of equal length containing all TRUEs
write.sanitized.csvOutputs a sanitized CSV file for fussy input systems e.g....
xtablelmProduces the output of an lm object as it appears in the R...
xtable.lmeAdd in methods to handle LME objects in xtable
gsk3/taRifx documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:55 a.m.