Man pages for gtog/dMisc
A Collection of Helper Functions for Doing Financial Data Analysis

applyWeightsApply a set of weights to the columns of an xts object.
breakoutSignalCompute a 'breakout' momentum signal over the specified...
divRatioCompute the Diversification Ratio for a portfolio.
expectationPlotPlot a manager track record with ex-ante expection bounds.
getAngleReturn the angle between to vectors, u and v.
getDataA wrapper for getSymbols that can handle lists of tickers.
hitRatioCompute the hit ratio of single or the difference between two...
KCOrthoOrthogonalize a set of factors with respect to all other...
loadingsPlotPlot coefficients from a linear (or other) model.
maCrossoverSignalCompute a moving average cross-over momentum signal.
makeEigenAssetsCreate a time series of synthetic assets built from principal...
makeExcessReturnsTake a set of asset returns and subtract the benchmark...
makeGrossReturnsCompute gross returns from net returns and a fee structure.
makeIndexConvert a return series into a cumulative wealth index...
makeNoiseCreate a set of returns in xts format that follow a specified...
makeXTSConvert a dataframe of returns to xts format.
orthogonalizeOrthogonalize a set of factors with respect to some...
orthogonalize_allOrthogonalize a set of factors with respect to all other...
pcaFlipFlip the signs on eigen vectors so that PC1 is positive.
plotCovEllipsePlot covariance elispe between a and b with marginal...
portfolioVolCompute portfolio volatility from a set of returns.
predictionErrorCalculate the RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) of a prediction...
repColForm a matrix based on repeating a column x, n times.
repRowRepeat the rows of a matrix n times.
scrubNamesScrub the fund or asset names from an xts object and replace...
sdAutoCorCalculate an approximate standard deviation of returns that...
simpSignalCompute a buy/sell momentum signal based on the specifed look...
tickersToXTSConvert a character list of tickers to an xts object.
volAdjustScale an xts object of returns to a target volatility.
wtdAvgVolCompute the weighted average volatility of assets in a...
xtsAlignAlign one xts object to another without merging them.
xtsApplyAn apply method for xts objects.
xtsMultiMergeMerge multiple xts objects without going through zoo...
xtsToDataFrameConvert and xts object to a data frame, suitable for use in...
gtog/dMisc documentation built on May 17, 2019, 8:57 a.m.