Man pages for gu-stat/gears
GEARS Method for Univariate and Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

all_models_rhsGenerates all possible combinations of right-hand side...
checksChecks the arguments for the GEARS function.
commodities_pricesPrimary Commodities Price Data
commodities_prices_data_dictionaryDescriptions of the commoditiesprices data.
create_DF_Fit_PredictCreate the Fit & Predict Data Frame
create_DF_ForecastCreate the Forecast Data Frame
deseasonFunction to deseasonalize a time series.
error_measuresFunctions to calculate the forecast errors.
evaluationM4Function to evaluate the forecasts following the M4...
fit_bestEstimates the Best Equation...
fit_predictFit and Predict Function
forecast_naive2NAIVE2 Forecasts
gearsGEARS Method for Time Series Forecasting
gears_optimOptimization Method for the GEARS Method for Time Series...
gears-packagegears: GEARS Method for Univariate and Multivariate Time...
plot.gearsPlot method for "gears" class
prediction_errorsReturns the Forecast Errors for the GEARS Method.
print.gearsPrint method for "gears" class
seasonality_testSeasonality Test
summary.gearsSummary method for "gears" class
gu-stat/gears documentation built on Oct. 20, 2021, 2:53 a.m.