
#' Scores data set.
#' Evaluation scores for students.
#' A dataset containing scores on quizzes, homework assignments, exams and
#' attendance for a hypothetical class of 30 students.
#' @format A tibble (\code{tbl}) of 30 rows and 11 columns:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{student}{first name, last name}
#'     \item{quiz_1, quiz_2, quiz_3}{quiz scores out of 20}
#'     \item{homework_1, homework_2, homework_3}{homework scores out of 50}
#'     \item{exam_1, exam_2, exam_3, final}{exam scores out of 100}#' 
#' }

gueyenono/professorrr documentation built on Dec. 26, 2021, 10:10 p.m.