Man pages for guidmt/SVM2CRM
SVM2CRM: support vector machine for cis-regulatory elements detections

cisREfindbedCreate and preprocessing of the input for SVM2CRM analysis
createBedCreate bed file of predictions using svm.
createSVMinputTake the output of findFeatureOverlap and then create a...
featSelectionWithKmeansThis function select the most meaningful variables in a...
findFeatureOverlapFind the overlap of genomic regions between the output of...
getSignalModel the signals of each histone marks around genomic...
performanceSVMEstimate the performance of prediction.
plotFscorePlot the F-score in relation with the sensitivity and...
plotROCPlot the ROC curve of the best model
predictionGWPerform prediction of cis-regulatory elements genome-wide
smoothInputFSSmooth the signals of the histone marks to prepare the input...
tuningParametersCombROCTest different models using different kernel of SVM, values...
guidmt/SVM2CRM documentation built on Dec. 20, 2021, 1:48 p.m.