diagmeta-package: diagmeta: Brief overview of methods and general hints

diagmeta-packageR Documentation

diagmeta: Brief overview of methods and general hints


R package diagmeta implements the method by Steinhauser et al. (2016) for the meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies with multiple cutoffs.


Main function of R package diagmeta is the eponymous diagmeta. Corresponding functions for printing and plotting are available: print.diagmeta, plot.diagmeta

Furthermore, a summary function and corresponding print function are available to provide a briefer output: summary.diagmeta, print.summary.diagmeta

Additional functions provided in diagmeta are diagstats to calculate additional statistical measures for the diagnostic test accuracy meta-analysis and ipd2diag to transform individual participant data to the data format required by diagmeta.

Type help(package = "diagmeta") for a listing of R functions and datasets available in diagmeta.

Type citation("diagmeta") for the preferred citation of R package diagmeta.

To report problems and bugs

The development version of diagmeta is available on GitHub https://github.com/guido-s/diagmeta.


Gerta Rücker gerta.ruecker@uniklinik-freiburg.de, Susanne Steinhauser susanne.steinhauser@uni-koeln.de, Srinath Kolampally kolampal@imbi.uni-freiburg.de, Guido Schwarzer guido.schwarzer@uniklinik-freiburg.de


Steinhauser S, Schumacher M, Rücker G (2016): Modelling multiple thresholds in meta-analysis of diagnostic test accuracy studies. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 16, 97

See Also

Useful links:

guido-s/diagmeta documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 11:48 a.m.