
#' Data for the Parkinson NMA-network discussed in Dias et al. (2013)
#' Data are the mean off-time reduction in patients given dopamine
#' Agonists as adjunct therapy in Parkinson's disease.
#' The data available are the mean, standard deviation and number of patients
#' in each trial arm, for 7 studies of five different drugs: placebo,
#' coded 1, and five active drugs coded 2 to 5.
#' @source Dias, S., Welton, N.J., Sutton, A.J. & Ades, A.E. NICE DSU Technical Support Document 2:
#' A Generalised Linear Modelling Framework for Pairwise and Network Meta-Analysis of
#' Randomised Controlled Trials. 2011; last updated September 2016; available from
#' http://www.nicedsu.org.uk
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