
scheduler is designed to fulfill scheduling process in operations, such as customer service center or warehouse fulfillment center, where the requirement are often the number of agents needed at each hour day, and the constraint are often the availability of each agent at each hour day.

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An Example

The package associated data agent_requirement demonstrates a input data format for scheduler - a matrix of 48 half hour window by 7 days. These are the number of agents required at each half hour window at each day.

#- load scheduler package

#- attach data in package


The package associated also a visualization function for viewing the requirement:

#- visualize the requirement
scheduler::schedule_viewer1(m = agent_requirement, element_text_size = 6L)

The scheduler function takes ar (agent_requirement) as requirement, and makes shedules based on sm (schedule module) and cr (constraints) as constraints.

There are 3 built in sm (schedule module):

The argument cr (constraints) takes half-hour index as contraints that should remove from start time.

The half-hour index start with 1L represents 00:00AM-00:30AM half-hour window on Sunday, 2L represents 00:30AM-01:00AM half-hour window on Sunday, ..., 48L represents 23:30AM-00:00AM half-hour window on Sunday, 49L represents 00:00AM-00:30AM half-hour window on Monday, ..., and up to 336L represents 23:30AM-00:00AM half-hour window on Saturday.

By default, cr = c(3L:12L, 51L:60L, 99L:108L, 147L:156L, 195L:204L, 243L-252L, 291L:300L). This implies no agent would start at 01:00AM - 05:30AM on any day.

There is another argument allow.half.hour.start that can be used to specify whether allowing none whole hour start time. By default, allow.half.hour.start is TRUE, so start at 7:00AM and start at 7:30AM are two schedule. If allow.half.hour.start is set to FALSE, then no agent will start at 00:30AM, 01:30AM, ..., 23:30AM on any day. This is a short cut for sepecifying all corresponding contraints with cr.

Suppose we want a schedule that can use all 3 schedule modules with default constraints that no one start between 01:00AM - 05:30AM on any day.

#- suppose we want a schedule with default setting
(ss_list_01 <- scheduler(
  ar = agent_requirement, sm = c(1L, 2L, 3L), timeout = 10L

## num of agent needed in total with this schedule
with(ss_list_01, sum(s1 + s2 + s3))
## a comparision on schedule and requirement side by side
  m1 = agent_requirement, m2 = ss_list_01[["ss"]], 
  m1_label = "Agent Required", m2_label = "Agent Available",
  legend_position = "bottom",
  element_text_size = 6L
## view of agent start time distribution on 3 schedule module side by side
  m1 = ss_list_01[["s1"]], 
  m2 = ss_list_01[["s2"]], 
  m3 = ss_list_01[["s3"]],
  m1_label = "Schedule Module 1",
  m2_label = "Schedule Module 2",
  m3_label = "Schedule Module 3",
  legend_position = "bottom",
  element_text_size = 6L

The output from scheduler is a list of 4 matrix s1, s2, s3, ss and a solved lp model scheduleOptModel.

The matricies s1, s2 and s3 each is a 48 x 7 matrix of number of agents required to start at each half hour window each day. The matrix s1, s2, and s3 are a coresponding to schedule module 1, schedule module 2, and schedule module 3, respectively. For example, s1[14, 2] = 3 implies we need 3 agents to start at 6:30AM Monday with schedule module 1. Note that even when you specify sm = c(2L, 3L) when calling scheduler, it will still return all 3 matricies s1, s2, s3, only that s1 would contains all zeros.

The matrix ss is a 48 x 7 matrix, and is a summarize of s1, s2 and s3 to show the number of agents available (not start) at each half hour window. A quality solution should have all(ss > ar) and ss - ar ~ 0 in all cells.

What if we want a schedule that can use schedule module 2L and 3L only, and does not all half-hour start, e.g., no agent start at 00:30AM, 01:30AM, ..., 23:30AM on any day, in addition with default constraints that no one start between 01:00AM - 05:30AM on any day.

#- suppose we want a schedule allow shedule module 2L and 3L only, 
## and disable half-hour start, more constraints - less effective.
ss_list_02 <- scheduler(
  ar = agent_requirement, sm = c(2L, 3L),
  allow.half.hour.start = FALSE,
  timeout = 10L

## compare the num of total agent required by solution ss_list_02
## with solution ss_list_01
with(ss_list_02, sum(s1 + s2 + s3)) - with(ss_list_01, sum(s1 + s2 + s3))

Intuitively, ss_list_02 is searching the solution on a sub-space of the space where ss_list_01 is searching the solution, so it will generally reach to a sub-optimal solution. In this case, ss_list_02 is searching a schedule with 504 free parameters and 336 constraints, and is able to find solution with 253 agents needed in total, whereas ss_list_01 is searching a schedule with 1008 free parameters and 336 constraints, and is able to find a relavtive better solution with 250 agents needed in total. However, it is important to note that in a problem with such many free parameters, expert knowledge is critical in formulating the problem and solution space for finding solutions that both practical and close to optimal.

gyang274/scheduler documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:41 a.m.