Man pages for haddonm/codeutils
Contains a Series of Utility Functions for File Handling and Programming

classDFclassDF - tabulate the class of each column in a data.frame
codeutilscodeutils: a set of functions to assist with code development
confirmdirconfirmdir checks to see if a directory exists and makes it...
countgtOnecountgtOne used in apply to count the number > 1 in a vector
countgtzerocountgtzero used in apply to count the number >0 in a vector
countNAscountNAs used in apply to count the number of NAs in a vector
countonescountones used in apply to count the number of ones in a...
countzeroscountzeros used in apply to count the number of zeros in a...
describefunctionsdescribefunctions lists all R functions in a set of files
detibbledetibble if the input is a tibble it converts it back to a...
digitsbyrowdigitsbyrow a helper function for knitr, to specify formats...
expandcolumnsexpandcolumns inserts missing matrix columns where colnames...
extractpathwayextractpathway traces the sequence of functions calls within...
extractRcodeextractRcode pulls out the r-code blocks from Rmd files
facttonumfacttonum converts a vector of numeric factors into numbers
findfunsfindfuns finds references to other functions within other...
freqMeanfreqMean calculates the mean and stdev of count data
geomeangeomean log-normal bias corrected geometric mean of a vector
getDBdirgetDBdir identifies the DropBox path
getmatcolfromlistgetmatcolfromlist extracts named columns from a list of...
getmaxgetmax generates the upper bound for a plot
getmingetmin generates the lower bound for a plot
getnamegetname returns the name of a variable as character
getnamespacegetnamespace returns the namespace for a given function
getseedgetseed generates a random number seed
gettimegettime calculates time in seconds passed each day
grapes-ni-grapes'%ni%' identifies which element in x is NOT in y
greplowgreplow - uses tolower in the search for the pattern
halftablehalftable halves the height of a tall narrow data.frame
identifyfunsidentifyfuns uses text from readLines to identify function...
infoinfo gets the dimension or length of a matrix, array,...
insertmissingRCinsertmissingRC inserts missing row and columns, which must...
kablerowkablerow a replacement for knitr::kable which enables row...
lininterpollininterpol - linearly interpolate values in a vector with...
listExampleslistExamples lists all the examples in a package R file
listfunslistfuns produces a listing of all functions in an input R...
magnitudemagnitude returns the magnitude of numbers
makelabelmakelabel generates a label from text and values
makelistmakelist a utility that outputs a list structure defined by...
makeUnitmakeUnit generates a unit matrix whose diagonal can be...
outfitoutfit tidy print of output from optim, nlminb, or nlm
pathfinishpathfinish determines what character is at the end of a path
pathkindpathkind finds the type of separator used in a path
pathstartpathstart determines what character(s) is at the start of a...
pathtopathpathtopath combines two paths accounting for type of...
pkgfunspkgfuns names all functions within a package
printVprintV returns a vector cbinded to 1:length(invect)
propertiesproperties - used to check a data.frame before...
quantsquants used in apply to estimate quantiles across a vector
removeEmptyremoveEmpty removes empty strings from a vector of strings
revsumrevsum generates a vector of the cumulative sum from n to 1
rmdcssrmdcss generates some initial css style code for HTML Rmd...
setuprmdsetuprmd sets up and Rmd file ready to generate an HTML file
splitDatesplitDate - Generates a vector of date and time components
str1str1 a simple replacement for...
str2str2 a simple replacement for...
tidynamestidynames can replace awkward data.frame names with better...
toXLtoXL copies a data.frame or matrix to the clipboard
which.closestwhich.closest find the number closest to a given value
wtedmeanwtedmean calculates the weighted mean of a set of values and...
haddonm/codeutils documentation built on April 15, 2024, 1:02 p.m.