Man pages for hadley/bigvis
Tools for visualisation of big data sets

autoplot.condensedAutoplot condensed summaries.
best_hFind "best" smoothing parameter using leave-one-out cross...
bigvisThe big vis package.
binCreate a binned variable.
breaksCompute breaks given origin and width.
condenseEfficient binned summaries.
condensedCondensed: an S3 class for condensed summaries.
dchallengeDensity and random number generation functions for a...
dgriddgrid: an S3 class for data grids
find_originFind the origin.
find_widthCompute a reasonable default binwidth.
frangeEfficient implementation of range.
h_gridGenerate grid of plausible bandwidths for condensed summary.
is.rangedTest if an object is of class ranged.
moviesMovie information and user ratings from
mtModulus transformation (and its inverse).
peelPeel off low density regions of the data.
rangedA S3 class for caching the range of a vector
rmse_cvsEstimate smoothing RMSE using leave-one-out cross-validation.
round_any.condensedRound any method for condensed objects
smoothSmooth a condensed data frame.
standardiseStandardise a summary to sum to one.
transform.condensedTransform condensed objects, collapsing unique bins.
weighted.ecdfA weighted ecdf function.
weighted.IQRCompute the interquartile range of weighted data.
weighted.medianCompute the median of weighted data.
weighted.quantileCompute quantiles of weighted data.
weighted.varCompute a weighted variance or standard deviation of a...
hadley/bigvis documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:45 a.m.