Man pages for hadley/decumar
A sweave alternative

block_codeEvaluate code, but don't show it...
block_codelistingEvaluate code and display listing separately...
block_defaultsSet document defaults.
block_figlistingShow figure along with the code that produced it...
block_figureEmbed a plot in a floating figure block...
block_graphicEmbed a plot.
block_interweaveInterweave code and output, as if you had executed at the...
block_listingShow code, but don't evaluate it...
block_rawDisplay text output as is (no escaping of special...
decumarOverwrite input with processed output...
escape_texEscape latex special characters...
open_devCreate graphics device from filename...
output_codeExtract code from a decumar file.
process_fileProcess decumar file and return result as string...
texweaveWeave evaluate output into tex.
hadley/decumar documentation built on May 17, 2019, 9:56 a.m.