Man pages for hadley/devtools
Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier

as.packageCoerce input to a package.
bashOpen bash shell in package directory.
buildBuild package
build_manualCreate package pdf manual
build_rmdBuild a Rmarkdown files package
build_siteExecute 'pkgdown' build_site in a package
build_vignettesBuild package vignettes.
checkBuild and check a package
check_mac_releaseCheck a package on macOS
check_manCheck documentation, as R CMD check does.
check_rhubRun CRAN checks for package on R-hub
check_winCheck a package on Windows
clean_vignettesClean built vignettes.
createCreate a package
dev_modeActivate and deactivate development mode
dev_packagesReturn a vector of names of packages loaded by devtools
dev_sitrepReport package development situation
devtools-deprecatedDeprecated Functions
devtools-packagedevtools: Tools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
documentUse roxygen to document a package.
git_checksGit checks.
has_testsWas devtools installed with tests?
installInstall a local development package.
install_depsInstall package dependencies if needed.
is.packageIs the object a package?
lintLint all source files in a package
load_allLoad complete package
loaded_packagesReturn a vector of names of attached packages
missing_s3Find missing s3 exports.
package_fileFind file in a package.
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
releaseRelease package to CRAN.
release_checksCustom devtools release checks.
reloadUnload and reload package.
remote-reexportsFunctions re-exported from the remotes package
r_env_varsEnvironment variables to set when calling R
revdepReverse dependency tools.
run_examplesRun all examples in a package.
save_allSave all documents in an active IDE session.
show_newsShow package news
source_gistRun a script on gist
source_urlRun a script through some protocols such as http, https, ftp,...
spell_checkSpell checking
submit_cranSubmit a package to CRAN
testExecute testthat tests in a package
uninstallUninstall a local development package
uses_testthatDoes a package use testthat?
wdSet working directory.
hadley/devtools documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 3:09 a.m.