
#' Band membership
#' These data sets describe band members of the Beatles and Rolling Stones. They
#' are toy data sets that can be displayed in their entirety on a slide (e.g. to
#' demonstrate a join).
#' `band_instruments` and `band_instruments2` contain the same data but use
#' different column names for the first column of the data set.
#' `band_instruments` uses `name`, which matches the name of the key column of
#' `band_members`; `band_instruments2` uses `artist`, which does not.
#' @format Each is a tibble with two variables and three observations
#' @examples
#' band_members
#' band_instruments
#' band_instruments2

#' @rdname band_members
#' @format NULL

#' @rdname band_members
#' @format NULL
hadley/dplyr documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 2:19 a.m.