fit_with: Fit a list of formulas

View source: R/formulas.R

fit_withR Documentation

Fit a list of formulas


fit_with() is a pipe-friendly tool that applies a list of formulas to a fitting function such as stats::lm(). The list of formulas is typically created with formulas().


fit_with(data, .f, .formulas, ...)



A dataset used to fit the models.


A fitting function such as stats::lm(), lme4::lmer() or rstanarm::stan_glmer().


A list of formulas specifying a model.


Additional arguments passed on to .f


Assumes that .f takes the formula either as first argument or as second argument if the first argument is data. Most fitting functions should fit these requirements.

See Also



# fit_with() is typically used with formulas().
disp_fits <- mtcars %>% fit_with(lm, formulas(~disp,
  additive = ~drat + cyl,
  interaction = ~drat * cyl,
  full = add_predictors(interaction, ~am, ~vs)

# The list of fitted models is named after the names of the list of
# formulas:

# Additional arguments are passed on to .f
mtcars %>% fit_with(glm, list(am ~ disp), family = binomial)

hadley/modelr documentation built on Nov. 4, 2023, 3:20 a.m.