Man pages for hadley/mturkr
Tools to work with Amazon's mechanical turk.

as.taskCoerce input to a task.
get_assignmentsGet all assignments for a task.
get_balanceRetrieves your remaining balance.
init_taskCreate a directory containing the skeleton of a new task.
is.taskIs the object a task?
list_hitsList all HITs associated with this task.
make_signatureMake HMAC encoded signature for all AWS requests.
mturk_task_reqPerform operation for given task.
publish_taskPublish all templated HITs.
register_taskRegister a task (HITType).
review_taskReview task.
sign_mturkSign an AWS mturk url.
unpublish_taskUnpublish all published HITs.
validate_questionsValidate 'questions.xml'.
hadley/mturkr documentation built on May 17, 2019, 11:04 a.m.