Man pages for hadley/pillar
Coloured Formatting for Columns

alignAlignment helper
charFormat a character vector in a tibble
colonnadeFormat multiple vectors in a tabular display
ctl_new_pillarCustomize the appearance of simple pillars in your tibble...
ctl_new_pillar_listCustomize the appearance of compound pillars in your tibble...
deprecatedDeprecated functions
dim_descFormat dimensions
extra_colsRetrieve information about columns that didn't fit the...
format_glimpseFormat a vector for horizontal printing
format_tblFormatting of tbl objects
format_type_sumFormat a type summary
get_extentCalculate display width
glimpseGet a glimpse of your data
new_ornamentHelper to define the contents of a pillar
new_pillarConstruct a custom pillar object
new_pillar_componentComponents of a pillar
new_pillar_shaftConstructor for column data
new_pillar_titlePrepare a column title for formatting
new_pillar_typePrepare a column type for formatting
new_tbl_format_setupConstruct a setup object for formatting
numFormat a numeric vector in a tibble
pillarObject for formatting a vector suitable for tabular display
pillar_optionsPackage options
pillar-packagepillar: Coloured Formatting for Columns
pillar_shaftColumn data
scale_x_numScale that supports formatted numbers
squeezeSqueeze a colonnade to a fixed width
style_subtleStyling helpers
tbl_format_bodyFormat the body of a tibble
tbl_format_footerFormat the footer of a tibble
tbl_format_headerFormat the header of a tibble
tbl_format_setupSet up formatting
tbl_nrowNumber of rows in a tbl object
tbl_sumProvide a succinct summary of an object
type_sumProvide a succinct summary of an object
hadley/pillar documentation built on Dec. 27, 2024, 1:27 p.m.