pillar_options: Package options

pillar_optionsR Documentation

Package options


Options that affect display of tibble-like output.


These options can be set via options() and queried via getOption().

Options for the pillar package

  • width: The width option controls the output width. Setting options(pillar.width = ) to a larger value will lead to printing in multiple tiers (stacks).

  • pillar.print_max: Maximum number of rows printed, default: 20. Set to Inf to always print all rows. For compatibility reasons, getOption("tibble.print_max") and getOption("dplyr.print_max") are also consulted, this will be soft-deprecated in pillar v2.0.0.

  • pillar.print_min: Number of rows printed if the table has more than print_max rows, default: 10. For compatibility reasons, getOption("tibble.print_min") and getOption("dplyr.print_min") are also consulted, this will be soft-deprecated in pillar v2.0.0.

  • pillar.width: Output width. Default: NULL (use getOption("width")). This can be larger than getOption("width"), in this case the output of the table's body is distributed over multiple tiers for wide tibbles. For compatibility reasons, getOption("tibble.width") and getOption("dplyr.width") are also consulted, this will be soft-deprecated in pillar v2.0.0.

  • pillar.max_footer_lines: The maximum number of lines in the footer, default: 7. Set to Inf to turn off truncation of footer lines. The max_extra_cols option still limits the number of columns printed.

  • pillar.max_extra_cols: The maximum number of columns printed in the footer, default: 100. Set to Inf to show all columns. Set the more predictable max_footer_lines to control the number of footer lines instead.

  • pillar.bold: Use bold font, e.g. for column headers? This currently defaults to FALSE, because many terminal fonts have poor support for bold fonts.

  • pillar.subtle: Use subtle style, e.g. for row numbers and data types? Default: TRUE.

  • pillar.subtle_num: Use subtle style for insignificant digits? Default: FALSE, is also affected by the subtle option.

  • pillar.neg: Highlight negative numbers? Default: TRUE.

  • pillar.sigfig: The number of significant digits that will be printed and highlighted, default: 3. Set the subtle option to FALSE to turn off highlighting of significant digits.

  • pillar.min_title_chars: The minimum number of characters for the column title, default: 20. Column titles may be truncated up to that width to save horizontal space. Set to Inf to turn off truncation of column titles.

  • pillar.min_chars: The minimum number of characters wide to display character columns, default: 3. Character columns may be truncated up to that width to save horizontal space. Set to Inf to turn off truncation of character columns.

  • pillar.max_dec_width: The maximum allowed width for decimal notation, default: 13.

  • pillar.bidi: Set to TRUE for experimental support for bidirectional scripts. Default: FALSE. When this option is set, "left right override" and "first strong isolate" Unicode controls are inserted to ensure that text appears in its intended direction and that the column headings correspond to the correct columns.

  • pillar.superdigit_sep: The string inserted between superscript digits and column names in the footnote. Defaults to a "\u200b", a zero-width space, on UTF-8 platforms, and to ": " on non-UTF-8 platforms.

  • pillar.advice: Should advice be displayed in the footer when columns or rows are missing from the output? Defaults to TRUE for interactive sessions, and to FALSE otherwise.


df <- tibble::tibble(x = c(1.234567, NA, 5:10))

# Change for the duration of the session:
old <- options(
  pillar.sigfig = 6,
  pillar.print_max = 5,
  pillar.print_min = 5,
  pillar.advice = FALSE

# Change back to the original value:

hadley/pillar documentation built on Dec. 27, 2024, 1:27 p.m.