  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
options(tibble.print_min = 4, tibble.print_max = 4)

readxl::read_excel() will guess column types, by default, or you can provide them explicitly via the col_types argument. The col_types argument is more flexible than you might think; you can mix actual types in with "skip" and "guess" and a single type will be recycled to the necessary length.

Here are different ways this might look:

read_excel("yo.xlsx", col_types = "numeric")
read_excel("yo.xlsx", col_types = c("date", "skip", "guess", "numeric"))

Type guessing

If you use other packages in the tidyverse, you are probably familiar with readr, which reads data from flat files. Like readxl, readr also provides column type guessing, but readr and readxl are very different under the hood.

Each cell in an Excel spreadsheet has its own type. For all intents and purposes, they are:

       empty < boolean < numeric < text

with the wrinkle that datetimes are a very special flavor of numeric. A cell of any particular type can always be represented as one of any higher type and, possibly, as one of lower type. When guessing, read_excel() keeps a running "maximum" on the cell types it has seen in any given column. Once it has visited guess_max rows or run out of data, this is the guessed type for that column. There is a strong current towards "text", the column type of last resort.

Here's an example of column guessing with deaths.xlsx which ships with readxl.

read_excel(readxl_example("deaths.xlsx"), range = cell_rows(5:15))

Excel types, R types, col_types

Here's how the Excel cell/column types are translated into R types and how to force the type explicitly in col_types:

| How it is in Excel | How it will be in R | How to request in col_types | |--------------------|-------------------------|-------------------------------| | anything | non-existent | "skip" | | empty | logical, but all NA | you cannot request this | | boolean | logical | "logical" | | numeric | numeric | "numeric" | | datetime | POSIXct | "date" | | text | character | "text" | | anything | list | "list" |

Some explanation about the weird cases in the first two rows:

Example of skipping and guessing:

  range = cell_rows(5:15),
  col_types = c("guess", "skip", "guess", "skip", "skip", "skip")

More about the "list" column type in the last row:

We demonstrate the "list" column type using the clippy.xlsx sheet that ship with Excel. Its second column holds information about Clippy that would be really hard to store with just one type.

(clippy <- 
   read_excel(readxl_example("clippy.xlsx"), col_types = c("text", "list")))
sapply(clippy$value, class)

Final note: all datetimes are imported as having the UTC timezone, because, mercifully, Excel has no notion of timezones.

When column guessing goes wrong

It's pretty common to expect a column to import as, say, numeric or datetime. And to then be sad when it imports as character instead. Two main causes:

Contamination by embedded missing or bad data of incompatible type. Example: missing data entered as ?? in a numeric column.

Contamination of the data rectangle by leading or trailing non-data rows. Example: the sheet contains a few lines of explanatory prose before the data table begins.

The deaths.xlsx sheet demonstrates this perfectly. Here's how it imports if we don't specify range as we did above:

deaths <- read_excel(readxl_example("deaths.xlsx"))
print(deaths, n = Inf)

Non-data rows above and below the main data rectangle are causing all the columns to import as character.

If your column typing problem can't be solved by specifying na or the data rectangle, request the "list" column type and handle missing data and coercion after import.

Peek at column names

Sometimes you aren't completely sure of column count or order, and yet you need to provide some information via col_types. For example, you might know that the column named "foofy" should be text, but you're not sure where it appears. Or maybe you want to ensure that lots of empty cells at the top of "foofy" don't cause it to be guessed as logical.

Here's an efficient trick to get the column names, so you can programmatically build the col_types vector you need for your main reading of the Excel file. Let's imagine I want to force the columns whose names include "Petal" to be text, but leave everything else to be guessed.

(nms <- names(read_excel(readxl_example("datasets.xlsx"), n_max = 0)))
(ct <- ifelse(grepl("^Petal", nms), "text", "guess"))
read_excel(readxl_example("datasets.xlsx"), col_types = ct)

Square pegs in round holes

You can force a column to have a specific type via col_types. So what happens to cells of another type? They will either be coerced to the requested type or to an NA of appropriate type.

For each column type, below we present a screen shot of a sheet from the built-in example type-me.xlsx. We force the first column to have a specific type and the second column explains what is in the first. You'll see how mismatches between cell type and column type are resolved.

Logical column

A numeric cell is coerced to FALSE if it is zero and TRUE otherwise. A date cell becomes NA. Just like in R, the strings "T", "TRUE", "True", and "true" are regarded as TRUE and "F", "FALSE", "False", "false" as FALSE. Other strings import as NA.

df <- read_excel(readxl_example("type-me.xlsx"), sheet = "logical_coercion",
                 col_types = c("logical", "text"))
print(df, n = Inf)
#| fig-alt: Screenshot of the worksheet named "logical_coercion" inside the
#|     "type-me.xlsx" example spreadsheet. The cells in the first column
#|     (column A) have very mixed contents, such as empty, datetime, or string.
#|     The cells in the second column (column B) describe the contents of the
#|     first column in precise language.

Numeric column

A boolean cell is coerced to zero if FALSE and one if TRUE. A datetime comes in as the underlying serial date, which is the number of days, possibly fractional, since the date origin. For text, numeric conversion is attempted, to handle the "number as text" phenomenon. If unsuccessful, text cells import as NA.

df <- read_excel(readxl_example("type-me.xlsx"), sheet = "numeric_coercion",
                 col_types = c("numeric", "text"))
print(df, n = Inf)
#| fig-alt: Screenshot of the worksheet named "numeric_coercion" inside the
#|     "type-me.xlsx" example spreadsheet. The cells in the first column
#|     (column A) have very mixed contents, such as empty, datetime, or string.
#|     The cells in the second column (column B) describe the contents of the
#|     first column in precise language.

Date column

A numeric cell is interpreted as a serial date (I'm questioning whether this is wise, but Boolean or text cells become NA.

df <- read_excel(readxl_example("type-me.xlsx"), sheet = "date_coercion",
                 col_types = c("date", "text"))
print(df, n = Inf)
#| fig-alt: Screenshot of the worksheet named "date_coercion" inside the
#|     "type-me.xlsx" example spreadsheet. The cells in the first column
#|     (column A) have very mixed contents, such as empty, datetime, or string.
#|     The cells in the second column (column B) describe the contents of the
#|     first column in precise language.

Text or character column

A boolean cell becomes either "TRUE" or "FALSE". A numeric cell is converted to character, much like as.character() in R. A date cell is handled like numeric, using the underlying serial value.

df <- read_excel(readxl_example("type-me.xlsx"), sheet = "text_coercion",
                 col_types = c("text", "text"))
print(df, n = Inf)
#| fig-alt: Screenshot of the worksheet named "text_coercion" inside the
#|     "type-me.xlsx" example spreadsheet. The cells in the first column
#|     (column A) have very mixed contents, such as empty, datetime, or string.
#|     The cells in the second column (column B) describe the contents of the
#|     first column in precise language.

hadley/readxl documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 4:18 p.m.