
Couscous with chickpeas

Heat in a large skillet over medium heat:

3 T olive oil


1 C sliced blanched almonds

Cook for about a minute

1 t paprika 1 t cumin 1 t coriander 1/2 - 1 t hot red pepper suace

Cook about 1 minute. Stir in:

2 1/2 c chicken or vegetable stock 2 c cooked chickpeas 1 c currants

Bring to boil and stir in 1 1/4 c couscous.

Cover, remove from heat and stand 5 minues. Fluff coucous with fork.

Season with salt and ground black pepper to taste. Garnish with 1/4 c chopped fresh parsley or cilantro

Comments: Very tasty indeed AW Source: Joy of cooking

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