dots_splice: Splice lists

View source: R/lifecycle-deprecated.R

dots_spliceR Documentation

Splice lists



dots_splice() is like dots_list() but automatically splices list inputs.


  .ignore_empty = c("trailing", "none", "all"),
  .preserve_empty = FALSE,
  .homonyms = c("keep", "first", "last", "error"),
  .check_assign = FALSE



Arguments to collect in a list. These dots are dynamic.


Whether to ignore empty arguments. Can be one of "trailing", "none", "all". If "trailing", only the last argument is ignored if it is empty.


Whether to preserve the empty arguments that were not ignored. If TRUE, empty arguments are stored with missing_arg() values. If FALSE (the default) an error is thrown when an empty argument is detected.


How to treat arguments with the same name. The default, "keep", preserves these arguments. Set .homonyms to "first" to only keep the first occurrences, to "last" to keep the last occurrences, and to "error" to raise an informative error and indicate what arguments have duplicated names.


Whether to check for ⁠<-⁠ calls. When TRUE a warning recommends users to use = if they meant to match a function parameter or wrap the ⁠<-⁠ call in curly braces otherwise. This ensures assignments are explicit.

hadley/rlang documentation built on Jan. 27, 2025, 1:19 a.m.