
Defines functions str_which str_subset

Documented in str_subset str_which

#' Find matching elements
#' @description
#' `str_subset()` returns all elements of `string` where there's at least
#' one match to `pattern`. It's a wrapper around `x[str_detect(x, pattern)]`,
#' and is equivalent to `grep(pattern, x, value = TRUE)`.
#' Use [str_extract()] to find the location of the match _within_ each string.
#' @inheritParams str_detect
#' @return A character vector, usually smaller than `string`.
#' @seealso [grep()] with argument `value = TRUE`,
#'    [stringi::stri_subset()] for the underlying implementation.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fruit <- c("apple", "banana", "pear", "pineapple")
#' str_subset(fruit, "a")
#' str_subset(fruit, "^a")
#' str_subset(fruit, "a$")
#' str_subset(fruit, "b")
#' str_subset(fruit, "[aeiou]")
#' # Elements that don't match
#' str_subset(fruit, "^p", negate = TRUE)
#' # Missings never match
#' str_subset(c("a", NA, "b"), ".")
str_subset <- function(string, pattern, negate = FALSE) {
  check_lengths(string, pattern)

         empty = no_empty(),
         bound = no_boundary(),
         fixed = string[str_detect(string, pattern, negate = negate)],
         coll  = string[str_detect(string, pattern, negate = negate)],
         regex = string[str_detect(string, pattern, negate = negate)])


#' Find matching indices
#' `str_which()` returns the indices of `string` where there's at least
#' one match to `pattern`. It's a wrapper around
#' `which(str_detect(x, pattern))`, and is equivalent to `grep(pattern, x)`.
#' @inheritParams str_detect
#' @return An integer vector, usually smaller than `string`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fruit <- c("apple", "banana", "pear", "pineapple")
#' str_which(fruit, "a")
#' # Elements that don't match
#' str_which(fruit, "^p", negate = TRUE)
#' # Missings never match
#' str_which(c("a", NA, "b"), ".")
str_which <- function(string, pattern, negate = FALSE) {
  which(str_detect(string, pattern, negate = negate))
hadley/stringr documentation built on Aug. 21, 2024, 5:13 a.m.