chop: Chop and unchop

View source: R/chop.R

chopR Documentation

Chop and unchop


Chopping and unchopping preserve the width of a data frame, changing its length. chop() makes df shorter by converting rows within each group into list-columns. unchop() makes df longer by expanding list-columns so that each element of the list-column gets its own row in the output. chop() and unchop() are building blocks for more complicated functions (like unnest(), unnest_longer(), and unnest_wider()) and are generally more suitable for programming than interactive data analysis.


chop(data, cols, ..., error_call = current_env())

  keep_empty = FALSE,
  ptype = NULL,
  error_call = current_env()



A data frame.


<tidy-select> Columns to chop or unchop.

For unchop(), each column should be a list-column containing generalised vectors (e.g. any mix of NULLs, atomic vector, S3 vectors, a lists, or data frames).


These dots are for future extensions and must be empty.


The execution environment of a currently running function, e.g. caller_env(). The function will be mentioned in error messages as the source of the error. See the call argument of abort() for more information.


By default, you get one row of output for each element of the list that you are unchopping/unnesting. This means that if there's a size-0 element (like NULL or an empty data frame or vector), then that entire row will be dropped from the output. If you want to preserve all rows, use keep_empty = TRUE to replace size-0 elements with a single row of missing values.


Optionally, a named list of column name-prototype pairs to coerce cols to, overriding the default that will be guessed from combining the individual values. Alternatively, a single empty ptype can be supplied, which will be applied to all cols.


Generally, unchopping is more useful than chopping because it simplifies a complex data structure, and nest()ing is usually more appropriate than chop()ing since it better preserves the connections between observations.

chop() creates list-columns of class vctrs::list_of() to ensure consistent behaviour when the chopped data frame is emptied. For instance this helps getting back the original column types after the roundtrip chop and unchop. Because ⁠<list_of>⁠ keeps tracks of the type of its elements, unchop() is able to reconstitute the correct vector type even for empty list-columns.


# Chop ----------------------------------------------------------------------
df <- tibble(x = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3), y = 1:6, z = 6:1)
# Note that we get one row of output for each unique combination of
# non-chopped variables
df %>% chop(c(y, z))
# cf nest
df %>% nest(data = c(y, z))

# Unchop --------------------------------------------------------------------
df <- tibble(x = 1:4, y = list(integer(), 1L, 1:2, 1:3))
df %>% unchop(y)
df %>% unchop(y, keep_empty = TRUE)

# unchop will error if the types are not compatible:
df <- tibble(x = 1:2, y = list("1", 1:3))
try(df %>% unchop(y))

# Unchopping a list-col of data frames must generate a df-col because
# unchop leaves the column names unchanged
df <- tibble(x = 1:3, y = list(NULL, tibble(x = 1), tibble(y = 1:2)))
df %>% unchop(y)
df %>% unchop(y, keep_empty = TRUE)

hadley/tidyr documentation built on Aug. 30, 2024, 4:20 a.m.