
#' Rsfar: A Package for Seasonal Functional Autoregressive Models.
#' The Rsfar package provides the collection of necessary
#' functions for simulating, estimating and forecasting seasonal functional
#' autoregressive time series of order one.
#' Functional autoregressive models are popular for functional time series analysis, but
#' the standard formulation fails to address seasonal behavior in functional time series data.
#' To overcome this shortcoming, we introduce seasonal functional autoregressive time series
#' models. For the model of order one, we provide estimation, prediction and simulation methods.
#'  \code{\link{sfar}}, \code{\link{predict.sfar}},
#'   Atefeh Z., Hossein H., Maryam H., and R.J Hyndman (2021).
#'   Seasonal functional autoregressive models. Manuscript submitted for publication.
#'   \url{https://robjhyndman.com/publications/sfar/}
#' @docType package
#' @name Rsfar-package
haghbinh/sfar documentation built on May 22, 2021, 2:01 p.m.