Man pages for haibol2016/ArchR
Analyzing single-cell regulatory chromatin in R.

addArchRAnnotationsAdd ArchR annotations to an ArchRProject
addArchRChrPrefixAdd a globally-applied requirement for chromosome prefix
addArchRDebuggingSet ArchR Debugging
addArchRGenomeAdd a globally defined genome to all ArchR functions.
addArchRLoggingSet ArchR Logging
addArchRThreadsAdd a globally-applied number of threads to use for parallel...
addArchRVerboseSet ArchR Verbosity for Log Messaging
addBgdPeaksAdd Background Peaks to an ArchRProject
addCellColDataAdd information to cellColData in an ArchRProject
addClustersAdd cluster information to an ArchRProject
addCoAccessibilityAdd Peak Co-Accessibility to an ArchRProject
addCombinedDimsCombine two or more modalities dimensionality reductions.
addDemuxletResultsAdd Demuxlet Results to ArchR Project
addDeviationsMatrixAdd a matrix of deviations for a given peakAnnotation to...
addDoubletScoresAdd Doublet Scores to a collection of ArrowFiles or an...
addFeatureCountsThis function will add total counts of scATAC cells in...
addFeatureMatrixAdd a feature matrix to an ArchRProject or a set of...
addGeneExpressionMatrixAdd Gene Expression Matrix to ArrowFiles or an ArchRProject
addGeneIntegrationMatrixAdd a GeneIntegrationMatrix to ArrowFiles or an ArchRProject
addGeneScoreMatrixAdd GeneScoreMatrix to ArrowFiles or an ArchRProject
addGroupCoveragesAdd Group Coverages to an ArchRProject object
addHarmonyAdd Harmony Batch Corrected Reduced Dims to an ArchRProject
addImputeWeightsAdd Imputation Weights to an ArchRProject
addIterativeLSIAdd an Iterative LSI-based dimensionality reduction to an...
addModuleScoreAdd Module Scores to an ArchRProject
addMonocleTrajectoryAdd a Monocle Trajectory to an ArchR Project #NEW
addMotifAnnotationsAdd motif annotations to an ArchRProject
addPeak2GeneLinksAdd Peak2GeneLinks to an ArchRProject
addPeakAnnotationsAdd peak annotations to an ArchRProject
addPeakMatrixAdd a Peak Matrix to the ArrowFiles of an ArchRProject
addPeakSetAdd a peak set to an ArchRProject
addProjectSummaryAdd projectSummary to an ArchRProject
addReproduciblePeakSetAdd a Reproducible Peak Set to an ArchRProject
addSampleColDataAdd information to sampleColData in an ArchRProject
addSlingShotTrajectoriesAdd a Slingshot Trajectories to an ArchR Project #NEW
addTileMatrixAdd TileMatrix to ArrowFiles or an ArchRProject
addTrajectoryAdd a Supervised Trajectory to an ArchR Project
addTSNEAdd a TSNE embedding of a reduced dimensions object to an...
addUMAPAdd a UMAP embedding of a reduced dimensions object to an...
ArchRBrowserLaunch ArchR Genome Browser
ArchRPalettesList of color palettes that can be used in plots
ArchRProjectCreate ArchRProject from ArrowFiles
cash-.ArchRProjectAccessing cellColData directly from dollar.sign accessor
cash-set-.ArchRProjectAdd directly to cellColData directly from dollar.sign...
confusionMatrixCreate a Confusion Matrix based on two value vectors
correlateMatricesCorrelate Matrices within an ArchRProject
correlateTrajectoriesCorrelate Trajectories
createArrowFilesCreate Arrow Files
createGeneAnnotationCreate a gene annotation object for ArchR
createGenomeAnnotationCreate a genome annotation object for ArchR
createLogFileCreate a Log File for ArchR
dot-DollarNames.ArchRProjectAccessing cellColData directly from dollar.sign accessor
exportPeakMatrixForSTREAMGet a PeakMatrix stored in an ArchRProject and write out for...
extendGRExtend regions from a Genomic Ranges object
filterChrGRFilters unwanted seqlevels from a Genomic Ranges object or...
filterDoubletsFilter Doublets From an ArchRProject
findMacs2Find the installed location of the MACS2 executable
getArchRChrPrefixGet a globally-applied requirement for chromosome prefix
getArchRDebuggingGet ArchR Debugging
getArchRGenomeGet the globally defined genome, the geneAnnotation, or...
getArchRLoggingGet ArchR Logging
getArchRThreadsGet globally-applied number of threads to use for parallel...
getArchRVerboseSet ArchR Verbosity for Log Messaging
getArrowFilesGet ArrowFiles from an ArchRProject
getAvailableMatricesGet a list available matrices in the ArrowFiles storted in an...
getBgdPeaksGet Background Peaks from an ArchRProject
getBlacklistGet the blacklist from an ArchRProject
getCellColDataGet cellColData from an ArchRProject
getCellNamesGet cellNames from an ArchRProject
getChromLengthsGet chromLengths from ArchRProject
getChromSizesGet chromSizes from ArchRProject
getCoAccessibilityGet the peak co-accessibility from an ArchRProject
getEmbeddingGet embedding information stored in an ArchRProject
getExonsGet the exons from an ArchRProject
getFeaturesGet the features that could be selected from a given data...
getFootprintsCalculate footprints from an ArchRProject
getFragmentsFromArrowGet the fragments from an ArrowFile
getFragmentsFromProjectGet the fragments from an ArchRProject
getGeneAnnotationGet geneAnnotation from an ArchRProject
getGenesGet the genes from an ArchRProject
getGenomeGet the genome used by an ArchRProject
getGenomeAnnotationGet the genomeAnnotation from an ArchRProject
getGroupBWExport Group BigWigs
getGroupSEExport Group Summarized Experiment
getGroupSummaryGet summary for Groups in ArchRProject
getImputeWeightsGet Imputation Weights from ArchRProject
getInputFilesGet Input Files from paths to create arrows
getMarkerFeaturesIdentify Marker Features for each cell grouping
getMarkersGet Marker Features from a marker summarized experiment
getMatchesGet peak annotation matches from an ArchRProject
getMatrixFromArrowGet a data matrix stored in an ArrowFile
getMatrixFromProjectGet a data matrix stored in an ArchRProject
getMonocleTrajectoriesGet a Monocle CDS of Trajectories that can be added to an...
getOutputDirectoryGet outputDirectory from an ArchRProject
getPeak2GeneLinksGet the peak-to-gene links from an ArchRProject
getPeakAnnotationGet peakAnnotation from an ArchRProject
getPeakSetGet the peak set from an ArchRProject
getPositionsGet peak annotation positions from an ArchRProject
getProjectSummaryGet projectSummary from an ArchRProject
getReducedDimsGet dimensionality reduction information stored in an...
getSampleColDataGet sampleColData from an ArchRProject
getSampleNamesGet the sample names from an ArchRProject
getSeqnamesGet the seqnames that could be selected from a given data...
getTestFragmentsGet PBMC Small Test Fragments
getTestProjectGet PBMC Small Test Project
getTrajectoryGet Supervised Trajectory from an ArchR Project
getTSSGet the transcription start sites of all genes in an...
getTutorialDataGet Relevant Data For ArchR Tutorials
getValidBarcodesGet Valid Barcodes from 10x Cell Ranger output to pre-filter...
getVarDeviationsGet Variable Deviations across cells in ArchRProject.
ggAlignPlotsAlign ggplot plots vertically or horizontally
ggGroupA ggplot-based ridge/violin plot wrapper function
ggHexA ggplot-based Hexplot wrapper function summary of points in...
ggOneToOneA ggplot-based one-to-one dot plot wrapper function
ggPointA ggplot-based dot plot wrapper function
grapes-bcin-grapesGeneric matching function for S4Vector objects
grapes-bcni-grapesNegated matching function for S4Vector objects
grapes-ni-grapesNegated Value Matching
import10xFeatureMatrixImport Feature Matrix from 10x Feature HDF5 file.
imputeMatrixImpute a matrix with impute weights
installExtraPackagesInstall extra packages used in ArchR that are not installed...
loadArchRProjectLoad Previous ArchRProject into R
mapLabelsRe-map a character vector of labels from an old set of labels...
nCellsGet the number of cells from an ArchRProject/ArrowFile
nonOverlappingGRRetreive a non-overlapping set of regions from a Genomic...
paletteContinuousContinuous Color Palette
paletteDiscreteOptimized discrete color palette generation
peakAnnoEnrichmentPeak Annotation Hypergeometric Enrichment in Marker Peaks.
plotBrowserTrackPlot an ArchR Region Track
plotEmbeddingVisualize an Embedding from ArchR Project
plotEnrichHeatmapPlot a Heatmap of Peak Annotation Hypergeometric Enrichment...
plotFootprintsPlot Footprints
plotFragmentSizesPlot the fragment size distribution for each sample
plotGroupsVisualize Groups from ArchR Project
plotMarkerHeatmapPlot a Heatmap of Identified Marker Features
plotMarkersPlot Differential Markers
plotPDFPlot PDF in outputDirectory of an ArchRProject
plotPeak2GeneHeatmapPlot Peak2Gene Heatmap from an ArchRProject
plotTrajectoryVisualize a Trajectory from ArchR Project
plotTrajectoryHeatmapPlot a Heatmap of Features across a Trajectory
plotTSSEnrichmentPlot a TSS Enrichment Plot for Each Sample
projectBulkATACProject Bulk ATAC-seq data into single cell subspace
recoverArchRProjectRecover ArchRProject if broken sampleColData/cellColData
reformatFragmentFilesReformat Fragment Files to be Tabix and Chr Sorted
saveArchRProjectSave ArchRProject for Later Usage
sub-.ArchRProjectSubset cells directly from ArchRProject
subsetArchRProjectSubset an ArchRProject for downstream analysis
subsetCellsSubset cells in an ArchRProject.
theme_ArchRggplot2 default theme for ArchR
validBSgenomeGet/Validate BSgenome
haibol2016/ArchR documentation built on June 15, 2022, 5:41 p.m.