Man pages for hairizuanbinnoorazman/gamanager
Manage and manipulate Google Analytics Accounts Settings

authorizeAuthorize R package to access Google Analytics API
create_goal_visitNumPagesCreate a visit number of pages goals
create_profileCreate a new profile in Google Analytics
create_propertyCreate a new property in Google Analytics
gamanagergamanager: Managing Google Analytics Management Settings via...
get_endpointGenerate endpoint for Google Analytics Management API...
get_goalGet the details of a goal from Google Analytics
get_profileGet the details of a web property from Google Analytics
get_propertyGet the details of a web property from Google Analytics
helloHello, World!
list_accountsGet the list of accounts from Google Analytics
list_custom_dimensionsGet the list of custom dimensions from Google Analytics
list_custom_metricsGet the list of custom metrics from Google Analytics
list_filtersGet the list of filters from Google Analytics
list_goalsGet the list of goals from Google Analytics
list_propertiesGet the list of profiles from Google Analytics
hairizuanbinnoorazman/gamanager documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:25 p.m.