Man pages for hamun001/stFeatures
Space-time change analysis of earth observation data for forest cover change monitoring and detection

accuracy.randomCalculates accuracy of land/forest cover maps based on random...
accuracy.stratifiedCalculates accuracy of land/forest cover maps based on...
helloHello, World!
LandsatDataMaskCloudsShadowWaterSnowSpatially normalise satellite images to reduce seasonal...
spatialAccurayAssessmentPerformances spatial accuracy assessment for change detection...
stef_global_spatial_normaliserGlobal spatial normalisation
stef_local_spatial_normaliserNormalise satellite images spatially to reduce seasonal...
stef_monitorDetects forest cover disturbances as extreme events in...
ybfastmonitorNormDetects forest cover disturbances as structural change in the...
hamun001/stFeatures documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:22 p.m.