Man pages for hanase/BMA
Bayesian Model Averaging

bic.glmBayesian Model Averaging for generalized linear models.
bicregBayesian Model Averaging for linear regression models.
bic.survBayesian Model Averaging for Survival models.
For.MC3.REGHelper function for MC3.REG
glibModel uncertainty in generalized linear models using Bayes...
iBMAIterated Bayesian Model Averaging variable selection for...
imageplotImages of models used in Bayesian model averaging
MC3.REGBayesian simultaneous variable selection and outlier...
MC3.REG.chooseHelper function to MC3.REG
MC3.REG.logpostHelper function to MC3.REG
orderplot.iBMAOrderplot of iBMA objects
plot.bicPlots the posterior distributions of coefficients derived...
predict.bic.glmPredict function for Bayesian Model Averaging for generalized...
predict.bicregPredict function for Bayesian Model Averaging for linear...
raceScottish Hill Racing data
summary.bicSummaries of Bayesian model averaging objects
summary.iBMASummaries of iterated Bayesian model averaging objects
vasoVaso data
hanase/BMA documentation built on July 23, 2022, 3:05 a.m.