

Zstandard CI testing is split up into three sections: short, medium, and long tests.

Short Tests

Short tests run on CircleCI for new commits on every branch and pull request. They consist of the following tests: - Compilation on all supported targets (x86, x86_64, ARM, AArch64, PowerPC, and PowerPC64) - Compilation on various versions of gcc, clang, and g++ - tests/ on x86_64, without the tests on long data (CLI tests) - Small tests (tests/legacy.c, tests/longmatch.c) on x64_64

Medium Tests

Medium tests run on every commit and pull request to dev branch, on TravisCI. They consist of the following tests: - The following tests run with UBsan and Asan on x86_64 and x86, as well as with Msan on x86_64 - tests/ --test-large-data - Fuzzer tests: tests/fuzzer.c, tests/zstreamtest.c, and tests/decodecorpus.c - tests/zstreamtest.c under Tsan (streaming mode, including multithreaded mode) - Valgrind Test (make -C tests test-valgrind) (testing CLI and fuzzer under valgrind) - Fuzzer tests (see above) on ARM, AArch64, PowerPC, and PowerPC64

Long Tests

Long tests run on all commits to release branch, and once a day on the current version of dev branch, on TravisCI. They consist of the following tests: - Entire test suite (including fuzzers and some other specialized tests) on: - x86_64 and x86 with UBsan and Asan - x86_64 with Msan - ARM, AArch64, PowerPC, and PowerPC64 - Streaming mode fuzzer with Tsan (for the zstdmt testing) - ZlibWrapper tests, including under valgrind - Versions test (ensuring zstd can decode files from all previous versions) - pzstd with asan and tsan, as well as in 32-bits mode - Testing zstd with legacy mode off - Entire test suite and make install on macOS

hanchenphd/GMMAT documentation built on Nov. 18, 2023, 11:58 p.m.