Man pages for haozhu233/ifaR.handtools
A collection of reusable R functions used in clinical research

bootci.meanBoot CI Mean
bootdifFunction to compute 0.95 confidence interval for the...
getfisherGet Fisher
getlmeGet Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models
ifar.extre.markerFind out extre values
meanciMean CI
mktableMake Table
mktable2Render multi-level table with multiple customization options...
outvaluesFind out NAs and outliers in a variable(column)
simpoutFind out NAs and outliers in a variable(column)
simptblSimple Summary Statistics Table
sumstatSummary Statistics
sum.statSum Stat
sumtblSummary Statistics Table
table1Table 1
ThisFancy box plots
timetosecmm:ss to number of seconds
twotooneTwo to one (Table re-formating)
haozhu233/ifaR.handtools documentation built on May 17, 2019, 2:30 p.m.