knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = F, message = F)

Sometimes it's a delight to see plots in a table. Here we provide recipes for a few common tasks using both kableExtra's built-in functions and external libraries, including ggplot2, sparkline and plotly.

In terms of kableExtra's built-in plotting functions, since version 1.2.1, kableExtra includes these functions for the most common plotting tasks. Since I don't want to introduce an entire ggplot2 dependency to this package, all these plotting functions were developed using base-R plot. Here I need to acknowledge the significant contribution from Bill Evans (@r2evans on github and SO), who wrote the general spec_plot function and improved the coding structure of these spec_*** plotting functions.


Summary Stats Table

kableExtra built-in

haozhu233/kableExtra documentation built on April 13, 2024, 6:49 p.m.