Man pages for happynotes/PIHMgisR
GIS Tool for Preparing Input of PIHM

AddHoleToPolygonAdd holes into Polygons 'AddHoleToPolygon'
autoPIHMgisAutomatically run PIHMgis based on the input data and...
BasicPlotRead multiply PIHM output files and do time-series plot
BCGenerate the default Boundary Condition 'BC'
CMAESAutomatically calibrate model, that requires user-defined...
CommonPointsFind the common coordinates in two groups of coordinates.
compareMapsPlot multiple maps 'compareMaps'
correctRiverSlopeConvert the bed slope of river, to avoid negative/zero slope...
countCount the frequency of numbers 'count'
datafilter.rivFilter the river data with a filter 'datafilter.riv'
DeltaSCalculate the Change of Storage. 'DeltaS'
dot-pihmThis is .pihm environment.
EudistEudilic Distance 'Eudist'
EXECExecute the program in terminal. 'EXEC'
extractCoordsextract Coordinates of SpatialLines or SpatialPolygons...
extractRasterExtract values on Raster map. The line is a straight line...
fdcDefault Comparison of the observation and simulation 'fdc'
filebackupWrite a backup file if the file exist 'filebackup'
fishnetGeneratue fishnet 'fishnet'
FromToNodereturn the FROM and TO nodes index of the SpatialLines...
fun.lairlGenerate the default landcover parameters for NLCD...
getAquiferDepthCalculate the AquiferDepth of mesh cells 'getAquiferDepth'
getAreaCalculate the area of the cells 'getArea'
getCentroidGet the centroids of the cells 'getCentroid'
getCriticalRiverGet Index of critical river channels, that is defined as...
getElevationCalculate the elevation of mesh cells 'getElevation'
getOutletsGet outlet ID(s) 'getOutlets'
getRiverNodesGet the From/To nodes of the river. 'getRiverNodes'
getVertexCalculate the Vertex of the cells 'getVertex'
GreenAmptCalculate infiltration with Green Ampt method 'GreenAmpt'
highlight_idHighlight elements with id. 'highlight_id'
hydrographPlot hydrograph 'hydrograph'
lc.defaultThe default land cover parameters from University of...
lc_EQconvert equation from Univeristy of Marryland classes to NLCD...
LineFitLinefit the observation and simulation 'LineFit'
map2dRaster plot the mesh data 'map2d'
m.DomainDecompositionGenerate triangle mesh domain 'm.DomainDecomposition'
MeltFactorGenerate the default melt factor 'MeltFactor'
MeshAttSummary of the attributions on Mesh 'MeshAtt'
MeshData2RasterSpatialData to Raster 'MeshData2Raster'
meshSinksGet the Sink cells in pihm mesh 'meshSinks'
ModelInfoSummary of the basic information of PIHM input data....
NLCD.colorsReturn NLCD colors. 'NLCD.colors'
NLCD.namesReturn NLCD class names. 'NLCD.names'
NodeIDListreturn the Index of nodes in SpatialData 'NodeIDList'
PIHMSetup .pihm environment. 'read.tsd'
pihmAttextract Coordinates of SpatialLines or SpatialPolygons...
pihmcalibGenerate the default PIHM model calibration 'pihmcalib'
PIHM.fileinPrepare Input file of PIHM 'PIHM.filein'
PIHMgisR-packageA short title line describing what the package does
pihm.initextract Coordinates of SpatialLines or SpatialPolygons...
PIHM.maskGenerate the raster mask of Mesh domain 'PIHM.mask'
pihmMeshGenerate the PIHM mesh data from the triangulation 'pihmMesh'
PIHM-mesh-classClass of PIHM.mesh 'PIHM.mesh'
pihmparaGenerate the default PIHM model configuration 'pihm.para'
pihmRivercalculate river order, downstream, slope and length...
PIHM-River-classClass of PIHM.river 'PIHM.river'
pihmRiverSegGenerate the river segments table 'pihmRiverSeg'
plot_animatePlot animation maps 'plot.animate'
plot_spPlot SpatialPolygons maps 'plot.sp'
plot_tsdPlot xts data.. 'plot_tsd'
png.controlPrepare png figure out. 'png.control'
PointInDistanceSimplify SpatialData. 'PointInDistance'
polygonAreaCalculate the Polygon Area;
Pop2CalibApply population to calibration values. 'Pop2Calib'
pre.filesGenerate file path for calibration populations. 'pre.files'
ProjectCoordinateRe-project coordinates betwen GCS and PCS 'ProjectCoordinate'
PTFPedotransfer function to generate soil/geol parameter from...
PTF.geolPedotransfer function to generate soil parameter 'PTF.geol'
PTF.lcGenerate the default land cover parameters of NLCD classes....
PTF.soilPedotransfer function to generate soil parameter 'PTF.soil'
QvsODefault Comparison of the observation and simulation 'QvsO'
readattRead the .att file 'readmesh'
readcalibRead the .calib file 'readcalib'
readchannelRead the .rivchn file 'readchannel'
readconfigRead the configuration (.para, .calib) file 'readconfig'
read.dfRead the matrix or data.frame file which has (nrow, ncol) in...
readforc.csvRead the .csv files in .forc file 'readlc'
readforc.fnRead the .forc file 'readlc'
readgeolRead the .geol file 'readgeol'
readicRead the .ic file 'readic'
readlaiRead the .lai Time-Series file 'readlai'
readlcRead the .lc file 'readlc'
readmeshRead the .mesh file 'readmesh'
readoutRead output file from PIHM
readparaRead the .para file 'readpara'
readrivRead the .riv file 'readriv'
readriv.spRead the river shapefile 'readriv.sp'
readsoilRead the .soil file 'readsoil'
read.tsdRead the time-series file, which has c(nrow, ncol,...
removeholesRemove the holes in polygons 'removeholes'
RiverLengthCalculate the river length 'RiverLength'
RiverSlopeCalculate the river slope 'RiverSlope'
RiverTypeparameters for river types 'RiverType'
rowMatchIdentify whether every row of x is same as m;
sacThis is data of one of sub-catchmetn in Sacramento Watershed...
shThis is data to be included in my package
SimpleSpatialSimplify SpatialData.
SimplifybyLenSimplify Polylines by length 'SimplifybyLen'
sp2PSLGConvert SpatialLines or SpatialPolygons a Planar Straight...
sp2rasterSpatialData to Raster 'sp2raster'
sp.CutSptialLinesCut sptialLines with threshold. 'sp.CutSptialLines'
sp.mesh2ShapeGenerate triangle mesh domain 'sp.mesh2Shape'
sp.riv2shpConvert the PIHM.river class to SpatialLines 'sp.riv2shp'
sp.RiverDowndetermine index of downstream 'sp.RiverOrder'
sp.RiverOrdercalculate river order 'sp.RiverOrder'
sp.RiverPathdetermine River path, disolve the river network based on...
sp.RiverSegCut the river by PIHM.mesh 'sp.RiverSeg'
sp.simplifyLenSimplify Polylines by length 'sp.simplifyLen'
sp.Tri2ShapeGenerate triangle mesh domain 'sp.Tri2Shape'
sunapeeThis is data of Lake Sunappe to be included in my package
toCentroidFind the centroid of the triangles 'toCentroid'
Tri2CentroidCentroids of the triangulation 'Tri2Centroid'
triTopologyDetermine the topological relation among triangles.
ts2dfConvert Time-Series data to data.frame 'ts2df'
ts2mapPlot map of time-series data 'ts2map'
wb.allCalculate the water balance 'wb.all'
wb.DSCalculate the Change of Storage. 'wb.DS'
wb.eleCalculate the water balance 'wb.ele'
wb.rivCalculate the water balance 'wb.riv'
which_outliersFind the outliers in a dataset 'which_outliers'
write.cmaeswrite the configuration for CMA-ES method 'write.cmaes'
write.configWrite PIHM configuration files (.para, .calib, etc.)
write.dfWrite data.frame out into file 'write.df'
writeforcWrite PIHM .forc file 'writeforc'
writeinitWrite PIHM .ic file 'writeinit'
writemeshWrite PIHM .mesh file 'writemesh'
writerivWrite PIHM .mesh file 'writemesh'
writeshapeWrite ESRI shapefile out 'writeshape'
write.tsdWrite xts data out into file 'write.tsd'
write.xtsWrite xts data out into file 'write.xts'
xy2IDConvert the 'xy' (X,Y) into Index in 'coords' 'xy2ID'
happynotes/PIHMgisR documentation built on Jan. 25, 2020, 9:51 p.m.