This package is built to read, tidy, summarize, and map the FARS dataset. There are five function: make_filename, fars_read, fars_read_years, fars_summarize_years and fars_map_state.

make_filename creates a file name based on a given year or years. The input to the function is an integer vector.


fars_read checks to see if a file exists given a file name. If it does exist, then the data is read into R as data frame. If the file does not exist, an error message is shown. This function takes in a character vector and should generally be used in conjunction with the make_filename function.

fars_read_years combines fars_read and make_filename to read in FARS data given a set of years. The function takes in an integer vector, representing the years of interest. Each integer is then used to create a file name. Each filename is then checked for in the current directory. If the file exists, then it is loaded into R, if not, an error is thrown. If the data is read into R, then it is tidied to two columns, Month and Year. The output is a dataframe.

fars_summarize_years also takes in an integer vector. This function then builds on fars_read_years by grouping the data by year and month and then summarizing by count. The output of this function is a dataframe.

fars_map_state takes in an integer, state.num, and an integer vector, year. This function then creates a file name for the given year and checks to see if it exists in the working directory. If it does, then the file is loaded into R. If not, then an error message is thrown. Once the data is loaed into R, then it is filtered for the given state.num. The data is then mapped using the maps and graphics package.

hardisoneverett/testpackage documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 2:39 p.m.