Man pages for haroine/gaston
Calibrates and Reweights Units in Samples

addMarginAdds a margin to marginMatrix
calibrationCalibration on margins
calibrationMarginStatsStats for initial weights, calibrated weights, and margins.
calWeights_moviesCalibration weights for 'data_employees'
colToDummiesChanges a column containing multiple values to a matrix of...
data_employeesA small example sample for calibration with Icarus
dataPopTest population for Icarus.
HTmeanWeighted estimator for the mean
HTtotalWeighted estimator for total
marginStatsStats for initial weights, calibrated weights, and margins.
newMarginMatrixCreate empty margin matrix
poptest_calmarCalibration on population test - made on Calmar2
poptest_calmar_nrCalibration with nonresponse on population test - made on...
regroupCalibrationModalitiesRegroup calibration modalities
regroupModalitiesRegroup elements of a vector
table_margins_1Margins for calibration of test population
table_margins_2Margins for calibration of test population
weightedMeanWeighted estimator for the mean
weightedTotalWeighted estimator for total
haroine/gaston documentation built on June 4, 2023, 8:24 p.m.