
An R htmlwidget wrapper for jquery bar rating

The jquery bar rating is a lightweight rating widget written by @antennaio which can be styled using css themes. The javascript library can be found at and examples can be found at

This htmlwidget allows bar ratings to be used in shiny apps.




barRating(choices = c(1,2,3,4,5)

barRating can take a number of arguments: - choices: Vector of values to select from. - theme: Name of a theme (themes are contained in barrating_themes.css). The following are currently supported: bars-1to10, bars-horizontal, bars-movie, bars-pill, bars-reversed, bars-square, bootstrap-stars and css-stars. - initialRating: Specify initial rating by passing select field's option value. - showValues: If set to true, rating values will be displayed on the bars. - showSelectedRating: If set to true, user selected rating will be displayed next to the widget. - deselectable: If set to true, user can deselect a rating. For this feature to work the select field must contain a first option with an empty value. - reverse: If set to true, the ratings will be reversed. - readonly: If set to true, the ratings will be read-only. - fastClicks: Remove 300ms click delay on touch devices. - hoverState: Change state on hover. - silent: Supress callbacks when controlling ratings programatically. - selected: Specify initial rating. - includeEmpty: Include an empty rating. Further information on these parameters can be found at

If the widget is used in a shiny app, the selected value is exposed as input$id_select.

In addition, the htmlwidget exposes several methods which can be called as follows:

A shiny example, highlighting some of the features, can be found under ./inst/examples/shiny_example_01/

harveyl888/barRating documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:04 p.m.