Man pages for harveyl888/fplR
Functions To Process Fantasy Premiership Data

add_to_databaseAdd selected data to a MySql database
bestFormationReturn the best formation
captainChoiceWas the best captain selected?
fplcreate an fpl class
fpl_leagueGet league table
fpl_league_weeklyGet weekly scores
getEntryGet an entry info
getEventGet event details and points
getFPLDataGet team, player and game data
getLeagueEntriesGet all entries for a particular league
getLeagueTableGet a league table
getTeamGet team data
initialize_databaseAdd initial data to a MySql database
keeperChoiceWas the best keeper selected?
playedFormationReturn the formation played
playerCountIdentify players included in and missing from fantasy teams
points_by_weekInternal function to get weekly scores
pointsFramePlayer Point data frame
points_on_benchDetermine points left on bench
squad_by_weekReturn a manager's squad for a particular week
substitution_analysisSubstitution Analysis
substitution_analysis_allSubstitution Analysis
substitutionsSubstitutions by week
summary.fplsummarize fpl object
teamIDsReturn a list of teams
use_chipList chip usage
week_scoreInternal function to return a weekly total for a grouped team...
harveyl888/fplR documentation built on Aug. 21, 2019, 1:15 a.m.