
#' findN
#' @details Find the neighbor zone into which to merge the current zone.
#' It must be a neighbor in the sense of Voronoi polygons. In case of ties, choose the smallest zone for merging into
#' @param K zoning object, as returned by the calNei function
#' @param listN list of neighbor zones
#' @param iZ index of current zone in zoning
#' @param minSize minimum admissible zone size
#' @return the index of the zone into which to merge the current zone
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(mapTest)
#' data(resZTest)
#' K=resZTest
#' Ns=geozoning:::getNs(K$zoneNModif,4) # neighbors of zone 4
#' listN =  grep( TRUE , Ns) # zones 2 and 5
#' findN(K,listN,4) # zone 4 will be merged into zone 5
#' # not run
       #Find the neighbor zone with which to merge the current zone
       #It must be a neighbor in the sense of Voronoi polygons
  if (length(listN) == 0) return(0)

  if (length(listN) == 1) return(listN[1])

   #Check all neighbor zones
   potN = numeric()
   for (i in listN)
              iZNp = i
              tempo = gDistance(Z[[iZNp]],Z[[iZ]])

              #potN useful when current zone is between 2 zones
              if (tempo < 0.001)
                potN = append(potN,i)
             } #end for i

    for (v in potN)
  	 if (area<= mina) # choose the close zone with the smallest area
                    mina = area
                    iZN= v
         } #end for v
hazaeljones/geozoning documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:06 p.m.