# Set seed for reproducibility

    autodep = TRUE,
    bootstrap.show.code = FALSE,
    cache = TRUE,
    cache.lazy = TRUE,
    dev = c("png", "pdf"),
    error = TRUE,
    fig.height = 10,
    fig.retina = 2,
    fig.width = 10,
    highlight = TRUE,
    message = FALSE,
    prompt = TRUE,
    # formatR required for tidy code
    tidy = TRUE,
    warning = FALSE)

    theme_light(base_size = 14))
    legend.justification = "center",
    legend.position = "bottom")
download.file("https://github.com/hbc/bcbioRNASeq/raw/master/inst/rmarkdown/shared/bibliography.bib", "bibliography.bib")

# Load bcbioRNASeq object
bcbName <- load(params$bcbFile)
bcb <- get(bcbName, inherits = FALSE)

# Directory paths
outputDir <- params$outputDir
dataDir <- dirname(params$bcbFile)
deDir <- file.path(outputDir, "results", "transcript_differential_expression")
dir.create(deDir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
sleuthify = function(bcb, design) {
  sampledirs = metadata(bcb)$sampleDirs
  caller = "salmon"
  quantdirs = file.path(sampledirs, caller)
  names(quantdirs) = Map(basename, sampledirs)
  sampledata = metrics(bcb)
  sampledata$sample = sampledata$sampleID
  sampledata$path = quantdirs
  return(sleuth_prep(sampledata, design))
sl = sleuthify(bcb, ~knockdown)
sl = sleuth_fit(sl, ~knockdown, 'full')
sl = sleuth_fit(sl, ~1, 'reduced')
sl = sleuth_lrt(sl, 'reduced', 'full')
sl = sleuth_wt(sl, 'knockdownyes')
kdtable = sleuth_results(sl, 'knockdownyes', 'wald', show_all = TRUE)

Out of r nrow(kdtable) transcripts we flag r kdtable %>% filter(qval < 0.05) %>% nrow() differentially expressed, using a q-value cutoff of 0.05.

kdtable = kdtable %>%
  left_join(metadata(bcb)$tx2gene, by=c("target_id"="enstxp")) %>%
  na.omit() %>%
  group_by(ensgene) %>%
  mutate(reciprocal=(sum(b > 0 & qval < 0.05) > 0) &
           sum(b < 0 & qval < 0.05) > 0 &
           length(ensgene) > 1) %>%

There are r sum(kdtable$reciprocal) transcripts reciprocally spliced, meaning two transcripts in a given gene are significantly moving in opposite directions.

kdtable_effsize = kdtable %>%
  group_by(ensgene) %>%
  mutate(reciprocal=(sum(b > 1 & qval < 0.05) > 0) &
           sum(b < -1 & qval < 0.05) > 0 &
           length(ensgene) > 1) %>%

Since the replicates are very similar, it is helpful to filter by effect size as well. If we filter with an effect size of 1 (in sleuth terms a LFC of e, since everything is in natural log space) then we find r sum(kdtable_effsize$reciprocal) transcripts reciprocally DE.

Below is a MA plot for all transcripts with an abs(beta) > 1 and qval < 0.05. You can see there is a set of odd looking transcripts with high ln fold change which look like an artifact. I haven't seen this before, we'd have to dig in a little bit to uncover what is happening with those transcripts.

plotMA = function(res, contrast_name=NULL) {
  res = data.frame(res)
  res = subset(res, !is.na(qval))
  p = ggplot(res, aes(mean_obs, b, color=qval < 0.05 & abs(b) > 1)) +
    geom_point(size=0.8, alpha=0.2) +
      breaks = scales::trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x),
      labels = scales::trans_format("log10", scales::math_format(10^.x))) +
    annotation_logticks(sides='b') +
    xlab("mean expression across all samples") +
    ylab(expression(ln[]*" fold change")) +
    scale_color_manual(values=c("black", "red", "green")) +
    guides(color=FALSE) +
    theme_pubr(base_size=8, base_family="Gill Sans MT")
  if(!is.null(contrast_name)) {
    p = p +
      ggtitle(paste("MA-plot for  ", contrast_name))

hbc/hbcABC documentation built on Sept. 5, 2019, 9:51 p.m.