# Set seed for reproducibility

if (!params$scratch){
    message("render from scratch")
    unlink(params$cache,recursive = T)

    audodep = TRUE,
    cache = TRUE,
    cache.lazy = FALSE,
    cache.path = params$cache,
    error = TRUE,
    fig.height = 8L,
    fig.retina = 2L,
    fig.width = 8L,
    message = FALSE,
    tidy = TRUE,
    warning = FALSE

rows = readRDS(file.path(params$data_dir, params$rownames))
markers = readRDS(file.path(params$data_dir, params$markers))
theme_set(theme_light(base_size = 11))
theme_update(legend.position = "bottom")

We used seurat to dentify positive and negative markers of a single cluster (specified in ident.1), compared to all other cells. FindAllMarkers automates this process for all clusters, but you can also test groups of clusters vs. each other, or against all cells.

The results data frame has the following columns :

By default the test used is "wilcox" : Wilcoxon rank sum test (default). It tends to over-represent significant clusters and we can explore other test in the future depending on this results.

seurat = readRDS(file.path(params$data_dir, params$seurat_tsne))
tsne_label = FetchData(seurat, vars.all = c("ident", "tSNE_1", "tSNE_2"))  %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>% 
    group_by(ident) %>%
    summarise(x=mean(tSNE_1), y=mean(tSNE_2))
pca_label = FetchData(seurat, vars.all = c("ident", "PC1", "PC2"))  %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>% 
    mutate(ident = seurat@ident) %>% 
    group_by(ident) %>%
    summarise(x=mean(PC1), y=mean(PC2))

Novel markers

markers %>%  rownames_to_column("id") %>% 
    left_join(rows, by = c("id" = "gene_id")) %>% 
reduce <- function(X, Y, resolution=80){

    resolution <- max(resolution, 1L)
    resolution <- min(resolution, sqrt(.Machine$integer.max))
    resolution <- as.integer(resolution)

    # X and Y MUST be numeric.
    rangeX <- range(X)
    rangeY <- range(Y)

    binX <- (rangeX[2] - rangeX[1])/resolution
    xid <- (X - rangeX[1])/binX
    xid <- as.integer(xid)

    binY <- (rangeY[2] - rangeY[1])/resolution
    yid <- (Y - rangeY[1])/binY
    yid <- as.integer(yid)

    # Getting unique IDs, provided resolution^2 < .Machine$integer.max
    # We use fromLast=TRUE as the last points get plotted on top.
    id <- xid + yid * resolution 

All markers are in the markers file.

Novel markers over tSNE {.tabset}

I have selected the top 12 to plot.

I have reduced the ammount of points to plot to get a quicker turn around on the time to render the document. It summarises the cells that overlap on the same space and plot the median expression value.

I plot the markers of one of the cluster to compare.

cluster 1 at full resolution

top10 = markers %>% group_by(cluster) %>% 
    arrange(desc(avg_logFC)) %>% 
    filter(p_val_adj<0.001) %>% 
    top_n(n = 12, wt = avg_logFC)

gene_data = FetchData(seurat, vars.all = c("tSNE_1", "tSNE_2",
                                           unique(top10$gene))) %>% 
    mutate(id_group=reduce(tSNE_1, tSNE_2)) %>% 
    gather(id, counts, -tSNE_1,-tSNE_2,-ident, -id_group) %>% 
    left_join(rows, by = c("id" = "gene_id"))
genes = filter(top10, cluster == 1) %>% .[["gene"]] %>% as.character()

group_by(filter(gene_data, id  %in% genes),
             id, ident, id_group, gene_name) %>% 
    summarise(tSNE_1=mean(tSNE_1), tSNE_2=mean(tSNE_2),
              value=median(counts)) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(tSNE_1, tSNE_2)) +
    geom_point(aes(color=value), alpha=0.8) +
    scale_color_gradient2(guide = FALSE, midpoint = 0,
                          mid = "grey90",
                          high = "#2c7fb8") +
    geom_text(data=tsne_label, aes(label=ident, x, y)) +

All cluster 80% resolution {.tabset}

lapply(as.character(unique(gene_data$ident)), function(c){
    cat("\n\n### ", c, " \n\n")
    genes = filter(top10, cluster == c) %>% .[["gene"]] %>% as.character()
    if (length(genes)==0){
        print("No significant markers.")
    p = group_by(filter(gene_data, id  %in% genes),
                 id, ident, id_group, gene_name) %>% 
        summarise(tSNE_1=mean(tSNE_1), tSNE_2=mean(tSNE_2),
                  value=median(counts)) %>% 
        ggplot(aes(tSNE_1, tSNE_2)) +
        geom_point(aes(color=value), alpha=0.8) +
        scale_color_gradient2(guide = FALSE, midpoint = 0,
                              mid = "grey90",
                              high = "#2c7fb8") +
        geom_text(data=tsne_label, aes(label=ident, x, y)) +
})  %>% invisible()

Known markers co-expression {.tabset}

To show the co-expression of markers I calculate the average of expression of the cells in the cluster and then calculate the distance with (1-cor(ma))^2 and the method kendall and perform the clustering with the method ward.D2.

lapply(as.character(unique(gene_data$ident)), function(c){
    cat("\n\n### ", c, " top 30 markers \n\n")
    genes = markers %>% filter(cluster==c) %>% 
        arrange(desc(avg_logFC)) %>% 
        filter(p_val_adj<0.001) %>% 
        top_n(n = 40, wt = avg_logFC) %>% 
         .[["gene"]] %>% as.character()
    if (length(genes)<2){
        print("Not enough genes to plot.")

    data = FetchData(seurat, vars.all = c("tSNE_1", "tSNE_2",
                                          genes)) %>% 
    mutate(id_group=reduce(tSNE_1, tSNE_2)) %>% 
    gather(id, counts, -tSNE_1,-tSNE_2,-ident, -id_group) %>% 
    left_join(rows, by = c("id" = "gene_id"))

    ma = data %>% 
    group_by(gene_name, ident) %>% 
   # summarise(value=mean(counts>quantile(counts, .75))) %>%
    summarise(value=mean(counts)) %>%
    spread(ident, value) %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>% 
    column_to_rownames("gene_name") %>% 

    ma = ma + rnorm(nrow(ma), 0.01, sd = 0.001)

    xclus = hclust(as.dist((1-cor(ma, method = "kendall"))^2), method = "ward.D2")
    yclus = hclust(as.dist((1-cor(t(ma), method = "kendall"))^2), method = "ward.D2")
    xlevel = xclus$labels[xclus$order]
    ylevel = yclus$labels[yclus$order]

    p = data %>% 
        group_by(gene_name, ident) %>% 
        summarise(value=mean(counts)) %>%
        ungroup() %>% 
        mutate(ident = factor(ident, levels=xlevel),
               gene_name = factor(gene_name, levels = ylevel)) %>% 
        ggplot(aes(ident, gene_name, fill=value)) +
        geom_tile() +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) +
        scale_fill_gradient2(mid = "grey90", high = "#2c7fb8", midpoint = 0)
}) %>% invisible()



hbc/hbcABC documentation built on Sept. 5, 2019, 9:51 p.m.