Man pages for heathermkrause/WWC
Weighing the Wisdom of the Crowd

acsagetableDemographic and sex by age data from ACS tables for counties,...
acsedutableDemographic and educational attainment data from ACS tables...
choose_best_weightingUse bootstrap resampling of survey to find best weighting...
countyFIPSFIPS codes for all counties in the United States
margin_of_errorCalculate some estimates of the margin of error for weighted...
simulate_response_age_continuousSimulate the true response to a continuous numerical response...
simulate_response_education_continuousSimulate the true response to a continuous numerical response...
simulate_surveySimulate a single survey to a yes/no response question...
simulate_survey_continuousSimulate a single survey to a question with a continuous...
simulate_true_response_ageSimulate the true response to a yes/no response question in a...
simulate_true_response_educationSimulate the true response to a yes/no response question in a...
summarize_surveySummarize a survey data frame
surveymissingA simulated survey with missing data
texassurveyA simulated survey with 1000 respondents
tinysurveyA simulated survey with 20 respondents
twostatessurveyA simulated survey with 1000 respondents
weight_csvA wrapper for weight_wwc for CSV file input/output
weight_wwcWeight a survey using post-stratification with weighting...
heathermkrause/WWC documentation built on May 17, 2019, 3:20 p.m.