#' @srrstats {G5.4, G5.4a, G5.4b, G5.4c, G5.5, G5.6, G5.6a, G5.6b, G5.7} The 
#' algorithms work correctly as per Vihola, Helske, Franks (2020) 
#' (all simulations were implemented with the bssm package) and Helske 
#' and Vihola (2021).
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Reproducing some of the results of IS-MCMC paper

Full simulation experiments of Vihola, Helske and Franks (2020) takes some time, here we only run a single replication to test that the methods work as expected. To generate Table 1 in the paper, the code below should be run say 1000 times, from which IREs could be computed.

s <- sd(log(pmax(0.1, poisson_series)))
model <- bsm_ng(poisson_series, sd_level = uniform(0.115, 0, 2 * s),
  sd_slope = uniform(0.004, 0, 2 * s), P1 = diag(0.1, 2), distribution = "poisson")

d <- data.frame(mean = NA, se = NA,
  variable = c("sd_level", "sd_slope", "u_1", "u_100"),
  mcmc_type = rep(c("approx", "da", "is1", "is2", "pm"),
    times = 4*c(2, 6, 6, 6, 6)),
  sampling_method = c(rep("psi", 8),
    rep(rep(c("bsf", "spdk", "psi"), each = 2 * 4), 4)),
  local_approx = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = 4),
  time = NA,
  acceptance_rate = NA)

iter <- 1e4 # Use less iterations than in the paper for faster experiment
for(i in seq(1, nrow(d), by = 4)) {

  cat("Testing method '", d$mcmc_type[i], "' with sampling by '", 
    d$sampling_method[i], "' and local_approx '", d$local_approx[i], "'\n", 
    sep = "")

  res <- run_mcmc(model, iter = iter,
    sampling_method = d$sampling_method[i],
    particles = switch(d$sampling_method[i],
      bsf = 200,
      spdk = 10,
      psi = 10),
    mcmc_type = d$mcmc_type[i],
    local_approx = d$local_approx[i],
    end_adaptive_phase = TRUE)

  w <- res$counts * 
    if (res$mcmc_type %in% paste0("is", 1:2)) res$weights else 1

  d[((i - 1) + 1):((i - 1) + 4), "mean"] <- c(
    diagis::weighted_mean(res$theta, w),
    diagis::weighted_mean(res$alpha[1, 1, ], w),
    diagis::weighted_mean(res$alpha[100, 1, ], w))

  d[((i - 1) + 1):((i - 1) + 4), "se"] <- c(
    sqrt(asymptotic_var(res$theta[, 1], w)),
    sqrt(asymptotic_var(res$theta[, 2], w)),
    sqrt(asymptotic_var(res$alpha[1, 1, ], w)),
    sqrt(asymptotic_var(res$alpha[100, 1, ], w)))

  d$time[((i - 1) + 1):((i - 1) + 4)] <- res$time["elapsed"]
  d$acceptance_rate[((i - 1) + 1):((i - 1) + 4)] <- res$acceptance_rate


d |> 
    arrange(local_approx, variable, mcmc_type, sampling_method)

helske/bssm documentation built on Oct. 29, 2023, 6:04 a.m.