Man pages for henrivanwerkhoven/meta2way
Two-way Meta-Analysis for Cost-Outcome Evaluations

meta2wayTwo-way meta-analysis of bootstrapped effect and cost data
meta2way.listTwo-way meta-analysis of bootstrapped effect and cost data
meta2way.study2wayTwo-way meta-analysis of bootstrapped effect and cost data
plot.meta2wayPlot two-way meta-analysis cost-effectiveness plane based on...
plot.study2wayPlot two-way analysis cost-effectiveness plane based on...
print.meta2wayPrint the two-way meta-analysis results based on bootstrap...
study2wayTwo-way analysis of bootstrapped effect and cost data
treatmentsdifference in effects and costs of two treatments.
willing2payWillingness to pay plot
henrivanwerkhoven/meta2way documentation built on May 9, 2019, 5:03 a.m.