Man pages for hesim-dev/hesim
Health Economic Simulation Modeling and Decision Analysis

absorbingAbsorbing states
apply_rrApply relative risks to transition probability matrices
as_array3Convert between 2D tabular objects and 3D arrays to 'data.table'
as_pfs_osConvert multi-state data to PFS and OS data
autoplot.stateprobsPlot state probabilities
autoplot.survivalPlot survival curves
bootstrapBootstrap a statistical model
ceA cost-effectiveness object
ceaCost-effectiveness analysis
checkInput validation for class objects
check_input_dataCheck input data argument for 'create_input_mats'
CohortDtstmCohort discrete time state transition model
CohortDtstmTransTransitions for a cohort discrete time state transition model
costsCosts object
create_CohortDtstmCreate 'CohortDtstm' object
create_CohortDtstmTransCreate 'CohortDtstmTrans' object
create_IndivCtstmTransCreate 'IndivCtstmTrans' object
create_input_matsCreate input matrices
create_input_mats.formula_listCreate input matrices from formula
create_lines_dtCreate a data table of treatment lines
create_object_listForm a list from '...'
create_paramsCreate a parameter object from a fitted model
create_PsmCurvesCreate 'PsmCurves' object
create_StateValsCreate a 'StateVals' object
create_trans_dtCreate a data table of health state transitions
CtstmTransAn 'R6' base class for continuous time state transition...
define_modelDefine and evaluate model expression
define_rngDefine and evaluate random number generation expressions
define_tparamsDefine and evaluate transformed parameter expressions
disprogDisease progression object
expandExpand object
expand.hesim_dataExpand hesim_data
expmatMatrix exponential
fast_rgengammaRandom generation for generalized gamma distribution
flexsurvreg_listList of 'flexsurvreg' objects
formula_listList of 'formula' objects
get_labelsGet value labels
hesimhesim: Health Economic Simulation Modeling and Decision...
hesim_dataData for health economic simulation modeling
hesim_survdistsList of survival distributions
iceaIndividualized cost-effectiveness analysis
icerIncremental cost-effectiveness ratio
icer_tblICER table
id_attributesAttributes for ID variables
incr_effectIncremental treatment effect
IndivCtstmIndividual-level continuous time state transition model
IndivCtstmTransTransitions for an individual-level continuous time state...
input_matsInput matrices for a statistical model
lm_listList of 'lm' objects
mom_betaMethod of moments for beta distribution
mom_gammaMethod of moments for gamma distribution
mstate3_exdataExample data for a reversible 3-state multi-state model
multinom3_exdataExample data for a 3-state multinomial model
multinom_listList of 'multinom' objects
normbootDraw parameters of statistical model from multivariate normal...
onc3Multi-state oncology data for 3-state model
onc3pMulti-state panel oncology data for 3-state model
paramsParameter object
params_lmParameters of a linear model
params_mlogitParameters of a multinomial logit model
params_mlogit_listParameters of a list of multinomial logit models
params_survParameters of a survival model
params_surv_listParameters of a list of survival models
partsurvfitPartitioned survival regression object
plot_ceacPlot cost-effectiveness acceptability curve
plot_ceafPlot cost-effectiveness acceptability frontier
plot_ceplanePlot cost-effectiveness plane
plot_evpiPlot expected value of perfect information
pluginCode to use the hesim package inline. Not directly called by...
PsmN-state partitioned survival model
psm4_exdataExample data for a 4-state partitioned survival model
PsmCurvesPartitioned survival curves
qalysQuality-adjusted life-years object
qmatrixTransition intensity matrix
qmatrix.matrixTransition intensity matrix from tabular object
qmatrix.msmTransition intensity matrix from 'msm' object
rcatRandom generation for categorical distribution
rdirichlet_matRandom generation for multiple Dirichlet distributions
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rng_distributionsRandom number generation distributions
rpwexpRandom generation for piecewise exponential distribution
set_labelsSet value labels
sim_evExpected values from state probabilities
sim_stateprobsSimulated state probabilities
sim_stateprobs.survivalSimulate state probabilities from survival curves
stateprobsState probability object
StateValsModel for state values
stateval_tblTable to store state value parameters
summarize_ceSummarize costs and effectiveness
summary.ceSummary method for cost-effectiveness object
summary.eval_rngSummarize 'eval_rng' object
summary.paramsSummarize parameter objects
summary.tparams_meanSummarize 'tparams_mean' object
summary.tparams_transprobsSummarize 'tparams_transprobs' object
summary.tpmatrixSummarize transition probability matrix
survivalSurvival object
surv_quantileSurvival quantiles
time_intervalsTime intervals
tparamsTransformed parameter object
tparams_meanPredicted means
tparams_transprobsTransition probabilities
tpmatrixTransition probability matrix
tpmatrix_idTransition probability matrix IDs
tpmatrix_namesNames for elements of a transition probability matrix
uv_rngGenerate variates for univariate distributions
weibullNMAParameterization of the Weibull distribution for network...
hesim-dev/hesim documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 2:45 p.m.