Man pages for hhau/rjmonopoly
Order Selection of Monotonic Polynomials via Reversible Jump

betaToGammaTurn a set of coefficents in the monomial space into the...
calcAcceptProbCalculate the acceptance probability for a preposal, whilst...
calcPostRatioCalculate the section of the acceptance probabilty pertaining...
calcPropRatioCalculate the part of the acceptance probability pertaining...
dimProposerProposes new polynomial degree / dimension for parameter...
gammaToBetaTurn a set of coefficents in the othronormal space into the...
genAllMatricesGenerate the orthonormal polynomial basis matrix Q and the...
genDimPriorgenerates a discrete distribution over the allowable degree...
genGammaPropGenerates a proposal for Gamma, whilst considering proposed...
genSingleGammaPropGenerate a proposal for our coefficients in the orthonormal...
genVarPropGenerates a proposal for our variance parameter
helloHello, World!
plotFitPlot of fitted curve, with credible interval. Either uses the...
rcpp_helloHello, Rcpp!
returnSamplesOfLengthNReturn all samples in list, of length N
rjmonopolyReversible jump sampler for monotonic polynomials
thinThin an rjmonopolyfit
hhau/rjmonopoly documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:01 p.m.