knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Note: users are encouraged to appropriately use survey data while employing the code for investigating the power law relationship between taxonomic categories.

The method is adopted from Passy and Legendre, Power law relationships among hierarchical categories in algae reveal a new paradox of the plankton, Global Ecology and Biogeography (2006) 15, 528-535, along with other studies of the kind.

The dataset should include hierarhical categories of species. Here the example dataset is only for demonstration, rather than a basis for the generation of scientific perspectives.

Data should be composed of, for instance, samples of phytoplankton, samples of trees, etc.

df <- subset(data_m, Phyla == "Mollusca")
n_classes <- length(unique(df$Classes))
n_orders <- length(unique(df$Order))
n_families <- length(unique(df$Families))
n_genera <- length(unique(df$Genera))
n_species <- length(unique(df$AphiaIDs))

randomization ``{r}


hhsieh/biotaxa_Rpackage documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:26 p.m.